Guide students towards academic success using these SMART goal examples for elementary students.
SMART goals help elementary students self-reflect on short/long-term goals, push harder, and achieve goals strategically.
The issue, however, is helping students brainstorm and write out their ideas.
That’s why it’s important to share SMART goal examples for elementary students so that learners have a model.
There is no need for students to start from scratch!
Within this post, find a treasure-trove of smart goal examples for elementary students that help learners brainstorm and express their goal-setting ideas.
What is a SMART Goal?
A SMART goal is a specific type of learning objective with five parameters that must be met before the goal is marked as successful.
SMART goals for elementary students should be…
Specific: Which skill, strategy, or behavior will be the primary focus?
Measurable: How will learners rate the success of the goal being met?
Attainable: Is the goal realistic for the age, grade, and/or ability level of the child?
Relevant: Will the end goal be aligned with grade-level curriculum and/or expectations?
Time-Oriented: What’s the general or specific time frame for completing the objective?
SMART Goal Examples for Elementary Students
These examples of goals for elementary students can be modified as early childhood smart goals.
Math SMART Goal Examples for Elementary Students
1. By the second quarter, I will be able to add 3-digit numbers with 98% accuracy.
2. On every weekly timed test, I’ll earn a perfect score on my multiplication facts up to the 6s.
3. I’ll be able to provide examples of 3 sets of parallel and perpendicular lines within the school or classroom setting when participating in the geometry scavenger hunt.
4. On the next fractions unit test, I’ll reduce all fractions to the lowest terms with 100% accuracy.
5. By the end of the measurement unit, I’ll be able to independently solve math word problems that involve converting inches to feet and feet to yards using an online app or calculator.
6. By the end of this month, I’ll have all of the x3, x4, and x5 multiplication facts memorized. I’ll show my proficiency by accurately responding to flash cards without using my fingers to count and without utilizing visual aids to assist me.
Reading SMART Goal Examples for Elementary Students
1. By the end of the first quarter, I’ll be able to accurately retell the main idea and important details of a grade-level appropriate text using a graphic organizer.
2. By (date), I’ll read 5 grade-appropriate books per week and record them in my reading journal.
3. When answering comprehension questions during literacy centers or independent work, I’ll “prove” my answers by recording the text evidence (along with corresponding page numbers) in my reader response journal.
4. For the next two months during Reader’s Workshop, when I come to an unfamiliar term while reading independently, I’ll start the habit of first using text and picture clues to figure out the word’s meaning before seeking the help of a dictionary.
5. Before reading a text independently, I’ll make a prediction using the book cover and/or text features. I’ll record the prediction in my reader response journal.
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Writing Skills SMART Goal Examples for Elementary Students
1. During the editing stage of my narrative writing piece, I’ll use a thesaurus to help me find at least 2 synonyms for the word “said” so that I don’t overuse the term. These synonyms will be included in my final publication.
2. Before publishing any writing piece, I’ll review my work against the set of criteria found on an editing/revising checklist (with a check mark signaling criteria met).
3. For my persuasive writing piece due next week, I’ll revise my lead sentences to include 2 facts about the topic. I’ll share my revisions with the teacher during teacher-student conferencing.
4. This semester, I’ll make sure that each paragraph in my essays contains at least 1 simple sentence and at least two compound sentences.
5. Every essay that I write this semester will include at least 3 paragraphs that contain a strong main idea with at least 2 supporting details.
Science SMART Goal Examples for Elementary Students
1. By the end of the space unit, I’ll be able to name each planet and provide 3 facts about each one.
2. On the end-of-unit matter test, I’ll be able to state all 3 forms of matter and give 2 examples of each.
3. When performing science experiments this school year, I’ll jot down in a science journal my notes for each stage of the scientific method.
4. Using my science notebook, I’ll accurately sketch and caption/label the rock cycle. A classmate will review my work and provide feedback.
5. For the science exhibit occurring this month, I’ll create a 3-D model of an animal cell. During the presentation, I’ll explain the functions of 8 organelles. Listeners will rate my presentation of the information using a rubric.
Social Studies SMART Goal Examples for Elementary Students
1. By the end of the school year, I’ll be able to label all 50 states and at least 10 capitals on a blank map.
2. Using a T-chart graphic organizer, I’ll accurately categorize resources as either nonrenewable or renewable. I’ll place 3-5 examples in each column.
3. During Black History Month, I will describe 2 major accomplishments of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I will do this in essay format. There will be one paragraph with three supporting details for each accomplishment.
4. By the end of the community leaders unit, I will be able to list 5 key duties of police officers, firefighters, politicians, teachers, and pastors.
5. By the end of the semester, I’ll be able to label with 95%+ accuracy all of the continents, oceans, seas, and at least 10 countries on a blank world map.
Spelling SMART Goal Examples for Elementary Students
1. Every weeknight, I will review my spelling words by writing them 5x each in my spelling notebook.
2. Each Monday, I will write the new set of spelling words in alphabetical order and have my guardian sign off on the assignment once completed.
3. Throughout the school year, when drafting a writing piece, I will seek the Word Wall for help if I’m unsure how to spell a sight word.
4. Before submitting any important writing piece this semester, I’ll use a dictionary to check the spelling of confusing terms. After completion, I’ll place a checkmark next to the task on my editing checklist.
5. For the next 4 weeks, I will earn 100% on my weekly spelling test.
6. During the -endings Word Work center provided for the month of September, I will be able to list and define at least 5 prefixes and 5 suffixes using a graphic organizer.
More SMART Goals Examples for Students
1. During the third quarter, I will review my work using a simple checklist before submitting it.
2. Every day this week, I will submit my homework on time, into the appropriate box, and labeled properly with my name.
3. Each day this month before leaving to go home, I will tidy my desk and area by placing all of my materials into my desk or cubby. I will keep a simple checklist on my desk as a reminder of the completion of this task.
4. Each morning this month, I will sharpen two pencils in the morning and after lunch. As a reminder, I will keep on my desk a simple checklist of daily tasks like this and check off each as it’s completed.
5. This month, I will actively participate in class discussions by raising my hand at least twice per day in order to respond to questions or comments about the lesson.
Final Thoughts
Arm students with a growth mindset using this set of SMART goal examples for elementary students.
After completing this process, your students will be ready to thrive.
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