65 Great Persuasive Writing Prompts for 6th Graders

The art of persuasion is a helpful skill that will serve sixth-graders well in life.

Help them improve upon those skills by utilizing these engaging persuasive writing prompts for 6th grade.

Persuasive writing is a form of writing that tries to convince the reader to do something, to think a certain way, or hold a particular belief. 

Using these 6th-grade persuasive writing prompts, students will have the opportunity to share their beliefs, preferences, plus likes and dislikes.

They’ll be encouraged to support their thoughts using supporting details such as personal experience and facts.

What’s more, these sixth-grade persuasive writing prompts spark critical thinking skills as students reflect upon and reevaluate their mindset regarding certain topics.

So help students sharpen their writing and thinking skills using these persuasive writing prompts for sixth graders.

Persuasive Writing Prompts for 6th Grade

  • Draft a letter to your hair, persuading it to behave in humid weather. 
  • Write a letter to your grandparents persuading them to visit you this summer. 
  • Write a letter to the principal of your school persuading her to shorten the school week.
  • Write a letter convincing your dog to behave kindly towards house visitors. 
  • Draft a newspaper article explaining why a smoothie is a better breakfast option than oatmeal.
  • Write a letter to a friend, persuading him to put forth his best efforts in the local kite-flying contest. 
  • Persuade your friend to loan you his favorite toy.
  • Draft a letter persuading sixth-graders to listen to soft music while studying.
  • Write a political campaign that convinces citizens to vote for a particular candidate.
  • Draft a speech that persuades citizens to vote for you in a local election.

Related Content: Sixth-Grade Writing Prompts

  • Write a speech that encourages people to show kindness to animals.
  • Write a speech convincing people to try a new product that just launched in your business.
  • Write a book review about your favorite book.
  • Draft a book review for a nonfiction book. 
  • Write a product advertisement for your favorite candy. Be convincing so that people will want to buy it.
  • Create a commercial script that persuades someone to buy your brand of cereal.
  • Write a book review of a poetry book. 
  • Write a speech persuading students to show appropriate behavior during a school assembly or field trip.
  • Persuade someone that life is better without technology.
  • How would you persuade your family to try a new outdoor activity this weekend?
  • Write an advertisement that persuades someone to buy a new pair of sneakers that just launched.
  • Make a billboard that convinces travelers to visit your restaurant. 
  • Convince local citizens to vote in the upcoming city election.
  • Produce an ad that convinces people to attend a One-Day-Sale event at the local shopping mall. 
  • Write a letter convincing your friends to join the science fair with you.
  • Write a letter persuading someone to help you with your homework.
  • Write a letter to the cafeteria workers, persuading them to allow the sale of junk food during lunchtime.
  • Convince someone that life is better the older you get.
  • Encourage a friend, letting him know how talented he is in doing a certain task.
  • Convince your mom or dad to let you open a Christmas present the day before Christmas.
  • Design a bumper sticker to advertise happiness. 
  • Explain why your friend should purchase one brand of cereal over another.
  • Write an essay trying to convince the reader why everybody should grow their own food instead of purchasing from grocery stores.
  • Make the case for having a fish instead of a pet with fur.
  • Draft a piece of writing that persuades someone to visit space instead of the bottom of the ocean.
  • Write a letter to persuade the principal to add character education classes to the school’s curriculum.
  • Convince your family to move out of the city and to the country.
  • Write an article for a magazine that encourages anyone over the age of 18 to learn how to drive a vehicle.
  • Make the case to your principal about why you think the school week should be only from Monday to Thursday.
  • Persuade a friend to accompany you to a festival this weekend.
  • Convince your friends to watch your favorite movie.
  • How would you convince someone that online learning is better for students?
  • Convince someone that math class is more important than reading class.
  • Justify airplanes as the best mode of transportation.
  • Write a letter to persuade your teacher to play a game with the class during recess.
  • Explain why 6th graders should respond to persuasive writing prompts.
  • Persuade someone to give you the job of your dreams.
  • Write a newsletter article convincing your community to participate in the recycling program.
  • Convince your teacher to give you a particular whole class award.
  • Persuade your friends to stop eating junk food.
  • State your case about only allowing people who have a large backyard to own a dog.
  • Write a piece of writing that persuades sixth-graders to drink more water.
  • What famous person from the past should be on a bill of money and why?
  • Write a letter to convince your teacher to allow headphones while working in class.
  • Convince your parents to let you stay up past your bedtime tonight.
  • Persuade your parents to increase your allowance.
  • Convince your teacher to rotate classroom helper jobs every so often.
  • Explain why adults and children should eat a variety of vegetables every day.
  • How would you encourage your principal to allow more time in the school schedule for art and music classes?
  • Write a movie review of your favorite film. Convince the reader why he should see it.
  • Convince someone of the value of completing crossword puzzles.
  • Summarize the best places to visit in your city and explain why.
  • Draft a letter persuading your parents to give you a day off from school.
  • Explain why people should learn how to swim.
  • Write a letter convincing your friends to help you ask the new student to eat with you all at lunch.
  • Draft a speech that persuades sixth-graders to read more.

Final Thoughts On 6th-Grade Persuasive Writing Prompts

Sixth-grade persuasive writing prompts encourage students to develop strong arguments and refine their communication skills.

So use these persuasive writing prompts for sixth graders to showcase students’ thoughts and reasoning skills.

Related: mentor texts for teaching persuasive writing