51 Kindness Writing Prompts That Promote Positivity

If you’re looking for writing prompts that encourage positivity, try using kindness writing prompts.

Here you’ll find a treasure-trove of heart-warming writing prompts focused on kindness that prompt students to move their pencils.

What’s more, these writing prompts about kindness encourage writers to apply newly-learned writing skills, express their thoughts, and cultivate a growth mindset.

So pencil into your lesson plans this week a few of these kindness writing prompts.

Kindness Writing Prompts

1. How do you define kindness? Why is kindness important?

2. When is it most important to be kind or should you strive to always be kind?

3. What have you shared that you do not want to share? How did sharing make you feel?

4. What are some ways that you can show more kindness to your parents and family?

5. When was the last time that you did something kind for someone? What did you do and how did it make you feel?

6. What are some ways that you can show more kindness to your friends?

7. How do people normally react to kind gestures?

8. When was the last time that someone else did something kind for you? What did they do and how did it make you feel?

9. Who is the kindest person that you know? What makes them kind?

10. An act of kindness leads someone else to perform an act of kindness. Have you ever experienced this ripple effect? Explain. If not, create an original story where people pay kindness forward.

11. Has anyone thanked you for something that you did not do? Did you correct the person or accept the praise?

12. Describe how you would react if you witnessed a friend acting unkindly to someone else.

13. Have you ever chosen to be kind in a difficult situation, such as when you were having a bad day or dealing with a rude person?

14. Describe several ways that your class can promote kindness in your community?

15. Do you find it difficult to act kindly when you are having a bad day or in a bad mood? What can you do to remain grateful when dealing with a bad day?

16. Have you ever had a bad day become better thanks to someone else’s kindness? What did the person do to help make your day better?

17. Why do you think that some people forget or refuse to be kind?

18. Is kindness contagious? Do you act more kind after seeing someone else perform an act of kindness? Do you act less kind after seeing someone act rudely?

19. Who are some people that you know that deserve more kindness in their lives? Who are they and why do they deserve more kindness?

20. List some of the things that your parents or relatives have taught you about acting kind.

21. Have you ever acted kind when someone was being rude? Did it change their attitude? Explain the situation.

22. Imagine that you have the power to make the world a kinder place. What would you do to make people kinder?

23. What are some ways that you can spread kindness to strangers?

24. Write about some volunteer activities you could do in order to help promote kindness.

25. Why do you think that some people find it difficult to be kind to others?

26. Sacrifice can be considered a form of kindness. What would you sacrifice to help make the world a kinder place?

27. List ways to show thanks after receiving a gesture of kindness.

28. Write a poem about why kindness is important or a person performing an act of kindness.

29. Think of a time when you acted unkindly to someone else. Imagine that you could change the past and act kinder. What would you do differently?

30. Has anyone ever ignored your kindness? How did it make you feel? How did you react?

31. Do animals deserve the same amount of kindness as humans? Why?

32. Have you ever regretted being kind to someone? Why do you regret the experience?

33. Think of a time when you could have acted kind but didn’t. Imagine that you can travel back in time and relive that experience. What would you do differently this time?

34. Provide some examples of how you can be more kind to the environment.

35. Imagine that you have unlimited money. What are some ways that you could use your money to make the world a kinder place?

36. Should people receive recognition for acts of kindness? Why or why not?

37. How would you demonstrate your kindness towards a new student in order to help him/her become more comfortable at your school?

38. What are some ways that you could be kind to strangers?

39. Is there any type of situation where being kind is not considered acceptable? If so, explain the situation.

40. Create a list of at least three random acts of kindness that anyone can complete without needing to spend money.

41. What items would you be willing to donate to children in need? Why these items?

42. Is smiling at someone a kind act? Why or why not?

43. How does responding to kindness writing prompts help to improve your writing skills?

44. Can acts of kindness change the world? Why or why not?

45. What are the basic manners and etiquette that you frequently need to follow in your daily life?

46. Write a funny story about Keith the Kindest Kangaroo of Kakadu.

47. Is it unkind for a rich person to save money instead of donating any of it? Why or why not?

48. What are some ways that you could be more kind to yourself?

49. Write a short story about an act of kindness that changes someone’s life for the better.

50. Brainstorm some kindness activities that you think your classmates may enjoy.

51. Provide examples and non-examples of kindness.

Final Thoughts: Kindness Writing Prompts

Now you have a quality collection of kindness writing prompts to use for various writing activities.

If you liked these prompts, you may also like gratitude writing prompts.