51 Awesome Writing Topics for First Grade

Using these engaging writing topics for first grade, your students will never again wonder what to write about.

These engaging topics motivate 1st graders to share their experiences, remember memorable moments in their lives plus develop writing skills.

So include into your instruction this week a few of these fun writing topics for first grade. 

Writing Topics for First Grade

1. Tell about a time when your parents allowed you to stay up really late on a school night.

2. Describe your favorite recess game.

3. Tell about a fun day at the beach.

4. Share the experience of learning how to ride a bike.

5. Write about flying a kit.

6. Share a memorable experience at your favorite restaurant.

7. Share something exciting that happened at an amusement park or fair.

8. Tell about a time when you were bitten by an animal.

9. What has been the happiest moment so far in first grade?

10. Describe the most amazing field trip experience.

11. Share a funny moment while at the circus.

12. Retell a birthday memory that happened at school.

13. Describe an interesting sight you saw while visiting the zoo.

14. Write about a time when you fell off your bike.

15. Tell about when you built a cool sandcastle on the beach.

16. Write about the time when an animal frightened you.

17. Tell about when you did something nice for someone else.

18. Write about your best summer trip.

19. Describe an experience trying new food.

20. Retell a trip to visit a special relative.

writing topics for first grade
writing topics for first grade

21. Share a favorite memory from a sleepover with your best friend.

22. Describe a toy or stuffed animal that you just can’t live without.

23. Tell about a funny moment between you and your pet.

24. Write about an Easter egg hunt that you participated in.

25. Describe your favorite place in the whole world.

26. Tell about a time when your parents surprised you with a present that you were not expecting.

27. What do you miss most about being in the previous grade level?

28. Tell the positive characteristics of your mom and dad.

29. How would you welcome a new student?

30. What about yourself are you most proud of and why?

31. Tell why it’s cool to be a first grader.

32. Retell the time when you or a relative burned food.

33. Share a favorite memory with your best friend.

34. Tell about a time when you rode a scooter.

35. If you could invent anything, what would it be and why?

36. What do you want to be when you grow up and why?

37. Describe your favorite read-aloud book.

38. What is your least favorite school subject and why?

39. Why should recess be longer on Fridays?

40. Tell how you would stand up to a bully.

41. Describe the best lunch items in the cafeteria.

42. Describe the nicest person you know.

43. Share your plans for the summer.

44. What would you buy if you had ten dollars and why?

45. Share the characteristics of a person who you want to be like when you grow up. 

46. How are you similar and different from your parents?

47. Retell the most exciting holiday celebration.

48. What is the hardest part about going to school?

49. Write about a memorable time playing in the swimming pool.

50. Describe your favorite kind of music.

51. How do you show love to your parents and/or pets?

Final Thoughts: Writing Topics for First Grade

Now you’re all set to prompt first graders to showcase their lovely writing skills using these engaging writing topics.

For support, teach students how to respond well to these writing topics for first grade.

Related: writing prompts for first grade