61 Great Story Starter Sentences

If you have those students who never know what to write about, provide these story starter sentences to help kick-start their writing.

Story starter sentences provide a framework for writing so that students can start producing content much more quickly.

It’s a way of generating ideas that they can then fully develop on their own.

The following story starter sentences will motivate students to express their ideas freely, stretch their imaginations, and hone their writing skills.

So schedule into your writer’s workshop lessons this week a few of these delightful story starter sentences.

Story Starter Sentences

The following story starter sentences work well for fantasy stories.

1. My deck of cards has come to life…

2. Today the weirdest things have been happening to me…

3. I could see the downpour in the distance. We were headed straight towards it…

4. The school bus started talking…

5. As the newborn baby smiled, I noticed that she had a full set of teeth!…

6. A skunk crawled into my backpack…

7. As I went to brush my teeth, I noticed a strange smell coming from the bathroom sink…

8. I was strolling through my neighborhood when something caught my eye…

9. Sitting in my room, I could hear the dog growling in the backyard…

10.  I was ready to do an amazing job on my presentation, but then this crazy thing happened…

11. As I opened my birthday gift, I noticed that it was a cupcake in the shape of a poop emoji…

12. When I opened my backpack, a gust of wind went right by me…

13. We were in the middle of making the project, and then it started to rain…

14. When I looked out my living room window, I saw my neighbor vacuuming her lawn…

15. Oh no! The toilet is overflowing this time with…

16. No one thought this would happen. We were just singing songs on the playground when…

17. After five months at sea, I couldn’t wait to set foot on land. What I saw on the beach that day made me run right back into the water…

18. As I was walking home from school, I saw a kid being bullied…

19. I was reading a book when I heard a knock at the back door…

20. When the waiter brought the check, I then realized that I had forgotten my wallet… 

21. Every story has a hero; this time it was me. 

22. “Where are we?” asked the children. The school bus driver smiled and pointed to the sign outside…

23. I’ve never eaten so much food in my life, but I had to win the championship. I ate over 90 servings of…

24. Rob and Bob were twins. They were so close that no one could tell the other one…

25. I almost threw away the most important thing in the world, my prized…

26. Tomorrow I will finally get a chance to meet my pen pal…

27. I’ve always been afraid of mice, but the team was depending on me so I had to keep going…

28. The dashboard had just two buttons. I held my breath and pressed the button on the left. Suddenly, there was a bright light and…

29. Wow! It’s time for bed already?…

story starter sentences
story starter sentences

30. Last night I fell asleep on the couch watching TV. When I awoke, the TV screen contained a live feed of me on the couch. Someone was recording me, but who?

31. All of a sudden, the streets turned into rivers of gold…

32. My dad looked straight at me and said, “We need to talk.”…

33. It all started when I mistakenly took the wrong water bottle.

34. I was once transformed into my least favorite animal. A fairy waved a wand and turned me into…

35. A monster used to live in my basement. He was surprisingly friendly. He just wanted help learning how to…

36. Last Christmas Eve, I heard jingling bells and reindeer hooves on the roof before something came crashing down the chimney. Instead of Santa, I saw…

37. The next day at school, everyone was staring at me…

38. The well was deep and dark. I couldn’t see anyone, but I could hear a faint cry for help. I lowered the bucket.

39. I received a letter today from an aunt that I really never knew…

40. There it was…deep within a crack in the couch… 

41. As I was walking up the slide, it kept going up without an end…

42. Dylan had to write three story starter sentences. Here’s what he came up with…

43. The genie granted me three wishes. First, I wished for…

44. It was December and the ground was covered in snow. The footprints were easy to follow. They led me directly to…

45. You travel to the North Pole and observe…

46. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning…

47. My brother and I always loved going to the circus, until our last visit. It was the most unusual thing that ever happened to me…

48. I once found a note that contained a magic phrase. Everything changed after I read the phrase aloud.

49. The other day on the way to school, my bus was transported to a different galaxy. Our class went on an unexpected field trip to the distant planet of…

50. We were all in class working when we suddenly heard a loud clash coming from down the hall…

51. When I woke up this morning, there were dozens of roses around me…

52. Before moving here, my family worked with a traveling circus. I saw some of the most interesting things, such as the time when…

53. “Help,” I screamed as the monster picked me up with his massive fist. Just as he was about to eat me…

54. You’re stuck sitting next to this person on an airplane…

55. I thought it was a dream, but it seems that I’m really stuck inside my favorite TV show. I’m now standing in the middle of…

56. As you’re shopping, you see a picture frame with your photo as the sample. What’s going on?…

57. You just embarrassed yourself in front of the class…

58. For some reason, you now understand every language in the world…

59. Your favorite celebrity shows up at your birthday celebration…

60. Monday morning is going well until you discover that you left your homework on the kitchen table…

61. As I’m walking home from school one day, I notice a twenty-dollar bill. As I go to pick it up, it moves…

Final Thoughts on Story Starter Sentences

Story starter sentences help jump-start students’ writing. Using these story starters, writers will have ample ideas to write about.

To provide more support, consider reviewing with students how to respond well to these story starter sentences.