43 Great SMART Goal Examples for Middle School Students

If you are seeking SMART goal examples for middle school students, you have come to the right place.

Setting SMART goals as a middle school student is important because doing so sets students up for success by making goals specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound.

Goals with this type of criteria help students organize their action plans and provide an authentic purpose for meeting academic standards.

Essentially, SMART goals hold students accountable.

The issue, however, is that middle school students may feel overwhelmed or frustrated with the process of creating their own individual SMART goals.

To help alleviate the burden, we’ve compiled some SMART goal examples for middle school students that they may use as a guide for writing their own goals.

All of these SMART goal examples for middle school students meet the following criteria:


When a goal is specific, it’s easier to accomplish and middle school students know exactly what actions they need to take in order to reach it.


SMART goals can be tracked in some way.


All of these SMART goal examples for middle school students are doable for this age group. It is possible for students to have great success with them.


All of the goals here are based on state learning objectives for middle school students


The goals have a deadline or time frame attached to them making it easier for students to stick with meeting their goals.

SMART Goal Examples for Middle School Students

The following SMART goal examples for middle school students are categorized by subject area.

English Language Arts

1. From (timeframe), before submitting my essays, I will use a revising and editing checklist to review my work. 

2. I will challenge myself to read one chapter of a book each weekday for the next six weeks. I will document each chapter read. 

3. This semester, when writing a narrative essay, I will use at least two forms of figurative language in my paper.

4. Until (date), I will read daily for at least 45 minutes. I will record the minutes in a log.

5. Twice this school year on (dates), I will accompany my parents to parent-teacher conferences in order to discuss my areas of strengths and weaknesses. 

6. By (date), I will be able to write a five-paragraph essay with clear main ideas and supporting details. 

7. From (timeframe), when reading independently, I will use sticky notes to record questions that I have about the text. 

8. During these next nine weeks, after reading a text, I will assess myself by responding to five reading comprehension questions in my notebook. 

9. This semester, I will be able to (insert any objective) with at least 90% accuracy. 


10. During the next nine weeks, I will make an A on all of my algebra tests. 

11. This semester, when solving math word problems, I will always record my answers using pictures, numbers, and words.

12. From (timeframe), I will track my grades using a student grade sheet

13. At least twice a week, I will use (insert any relevant online teaching tool) to support my math learning. I will document each time I use it.

14. From (date to date), I will turn in my homework each day on time. 

15. Each night from (date to date), I will study math concepts for at least 30 minutes. I will log my minutes. 

smart goal examples for middle school students
SMART goal examples for middle school students

16. This quarter, I will solve with 90% accuracy math word problems. 

17. In geometry class this semester, I will be able to (insert any objective) with 85% accuracy. I plan to do this by (date).


18. For the next six weeks, after reading a section or chapter of a book, I will summarize the key ideas using a graphic organizer.

19. From (date to date), upon arriving to class, I will completely finish my bellringer activity

20. From (timeframe), in my science notebook, I will summarize the main ideas of the lesson in paragraph form.

21. This quarter, I will use and document the steps of the scientific method when conducting a science experiment.

22. I will raise my C grade to an A by doing 30 minutes of practice per day for the next 4 weeks.

23. From (timeframe), I will write at least a page of notes in science class during instruction. 

Social Studies

24. From (date to date), I will make practice quizzes to review concepts before a major test. 

25. This month, I will organize information using a graphic organizer as I read a new social studies chapter.

26. This semester, when completing social studies projects, I will use a rubric to assess my progress.

27. From (timeframe), after reading a social studies selection, I will record 5 new facts learned. This will help me to retain the information. 

28. From (date to date), I will use sticky notes to record the nonfiction text features that support my reading comprehension.


29. By (date), I will have mastered (insert learning target) with at least 85% accuracy.

30. Every night for the next nine weeks, I will practice playing my instrument for at least 30 minutes and document the hours practiced. 

31. From (timeframe), I will arrive to class on time 100% of the time. 

32. From (date to date), I will arrive to class prepared with all of my materials. I will keep a checklist that shows each time I have all materials. 

33. Once a week this semester, I will tidy my locker and keep a log of how often I do so.

34. From (timeframe), I will maintain a calendar to help me keep track of all of my school events and activities.

35. From (date to date), I will check out and read one chapter book per week from the library and log each time I do so.

36. By (date), I will be able to type (number of words) per minute.

37. During the month of …, I will turn off my cell phone while doing my homework so that I’m not distracted. I will note the minutes that it is turned off.

38. Once per week this semester, I will journal to improve my growth mindset.

39. During these next six weeks, I will attend tutoring 3 times per week in order to improve in the area of … 

40. From now until the end of the school year, when studying for more than 30 minutes, I will take a 15-minute rest period. I will log this time.  

41. This nine weeks, I will not make any grade lower than a C on my report card.

42. In (insert subject area), I will be able to (insert learning target) with 90% accuracy by (date). 

43. From (date to date), I will build my physical stamina by jogging 4 laps around the track at the beginning of p.e class each day.

Final Thoughts On SMART Goal Examples for Middle School Students

Students now how a guide as they draft their own SMART goals.

Utilizing these SMART goal examples for middle school students, students will be able to start working on their goals as soon as possible.