51 Helpful Second Grade Report Card Comments

It’s report card time, and you’re seeking second grade report card comments.

You’ve landed in the right place.

Sitting down to a blank screen can be overwhelming, so save yourself frustration by using these helpful copy and paste second grade report card comments for students.

These remarks provide teachers with the specific feedback they need to communicate the strengths and weaknesses of students.

Find comments that cover the subjects of math, reading, writing, science, social studies, and behavior.

These second grade report card comments will save you time.

Second Grade Report Card Comments

Following you will find a variety of 2nd grade report card comments that save you time.


1. _____ has been struggling with math. If he focuses on studying ____, he will become more confident in math class.

2. _____ excels in math class. He always submits homework on time and enthusiastically participates in class discussions.

3. _____ has a good attitude in math class but is still having trouble in the areas…

4. _____ is progressing well in the area of (insert any math skill).

5. _____ needs to put forth more effort in math class. He is highly capable of learning the concepts. His struggles seem to be related to motivation rather than understanding.

6. _____ has mastered addition and subtraction for this level.

7. _____ continues to increase his/her ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide large sums.


1. _____ lacks confidence in reading and would improve by reading aloud at home regularly and discussing what he or she has read.

2. Though _____’s reading fluency is good, he is not able to retell what he has just read.

3. _____ excels at reading comprehension and is reading above grade level.

4. _____ struggles with reading comprehension and is reading below grade level.

5. _____ is able to independently read grade-level appropriate materials.

6. _____ reads with good fluency but has a hard time recalling what he just read.

7. _____ struggles a lot when reading aloud. I recommend that she read aloud at home to help remedy this issue.  

8. _____ has a hard time reading at his current grade level. He has particular trouble recounting information that he has just read. 

9. _____ demonstrates good vocal reading skills and can read complete sentences plus paragraphs aloud. 

10. _____ struggles to state the main idea of a selection.

11. _____ has a firm grasp of comprehension. He retells a story well giving all key points


1. _____ loves to write and expresses thoughts easily.

2. _____ struggles with his handwriting. He has the ability to write neatly but writes too fast. This consequently creates illegible work.

3. _____ makes a strong effort to write neatly and legibly. He or she uses proper spacing, forms letters correctly, and writes cleanly on the lines provided.

4. _____ is able to develop her writing ideas with ease.

5. _____ demonstrates a strong understanding of the spelling, grammar, and punctuation tools that we have been learning.

6. Though ____ brainstorms ideas for writing, he has a hard time developing any of them into a story.

7. _____ has wonderful handwriting but is still struggling with concepts like spelling, grammar, and punctuation. He would benefit from further practice at home.

8. _____ has progressed greatly in writer’s workshop since the start of the year. He/she has applied him/herself, and the results speak for themselves. 

9. _____ expresses clear ideas but has difficulty developing those ideas using details. 


1. ______ excels in science class. He or she is curious and eager to learn about scientific concepts.

2. ______ follows the steps of the scientific process when conducting a science experiment.

3. ______ is working hard in science but is still progressing slowly.

4. ______ has a solid understanding of the scientific concepts appropriate for his or her grade level.

5. ______ is underachieving in science class. He does not apply himself even though he is capable.

6. ______ can now form her own hypotheses and draw conclusions based on the data collected. 

7. ______ recognizes the importance of science and the role it plays in the world. 

8. ______ has demonstrated a clear understanding of the basic elements of science. 

9. ______ shows a deep love for science.

Social Studies

1. ______ excels in social studies. He or she is curious and eager to learn about social studies.

2. ______ actively participates in social studies discussions.

3. ______ has been working hard this quarter to improve her grades in social studies class. Her hard work has been noticed and appreciated. 

4. ______ grasps social studies concepts easily.

5. ______ is clearly disinterested in learning about social studies. He does not pay attention in class and does not turn in assignments. His grade reflects his lack of effort, not his ability to learn.


1. ______ has a great positive attitude and is a joy to teach. She comes to class eager to learn and expresses a growth mindset.

2. ______ has a positive attitude about school but seems to struggle with sitting still plus staying focused for even short periods of time. 

3. ______ constantly distracts other students. 

4. ______ has a hard time completing work if not frequently reminded by the teacher. If we could meet after school sometime next week to discuss ways that we can help her, that would be a great start at helping her to improve in this area.

5. ______ performs well academically.

6. ______ frequently exhibits behavioral issues that include being very unkind to students, teachers, and staff members. Let’s meet after school sometime next week to discuss how we can help him make better choices.

7. ______ has a positive attitude.

8. ______ is always kind and supportive of his classmates. I worry about him though because he seems to be struggling socially.

9. _____ works well independently and doesn’t allow classmates to distract her. 

10. _____ shows difficulty completing work if not frequently prompted by the teacher.

Final Thoughts: Second Grade Report Card Comments

Parents want to know exactly how their child is performing in all subject areas so it’s necessary for teachers to write good second grade report card comments that are clear and insightful.

This collection of 2nd grade report card comments helps you to do just that. So save yourself time and frustration.

See alsoessential skills 2nd graders should know.