Your search for research topics for kids ends here; you have definitely landed in the right place.
You’re ready for your elementary kids to conduct research of some kind, but searching for fun research topics is just one more thing to add to your never-ending to-do list.
That’s why I’ve done the work for you by compiling a list of research topics for elementary students.
The topics cover a range of subjects and have been selected based on grade-level interests and state standards.
Furthermore, if you seek fun topics to research for school, this list will serve you well too.
What are some good topics for kids to research?
Because kids are naturally curious, good research topics should be high-interest.
Providing interesting topics for kids to research increases the likelihood of them engaging fully as they seek information.
Research Topics for Kids
One of the topics in child development and education speaks of research as an essential skill for kids.
Not only does research help kids better understand the world in which they live but it also encourages them to learn problem solve independently.
Use a kid-friendly search engine to help students jumpstart their research effort.
1. Autobiographies/Biographies
One of the best topics for kids to research involves them focusing on the lives of others.
It’s interesting to learn about someone’s life from his or her own perspective.
Have your elementary kids research the impact that significant people have had on our everyday lives.
Encourage them to read an autobiography of their favorite historical figure, sports player, or celebrity and then write a report about it.
Autobiographies, biographies, and memories such as the Who Was? Series serve as great resources for this purpose.
Specific research topics in this area include…
- Rosa Parks
- Walt Disney
- Ruby Bridges
- Anne Frank
- Albert Einstein
- Princess Diana
- Harriet Tubman
- Joan of Arc
2. U.S States
Every state in the U.S. has a unique history and culture.
Prompt students to uncover the origins of the state capital, historical markers, famous people, and any other significant facts about a state.
Specific research topics for kids in this area include…
- Points of interest (e.g, capital, monuments, national parks, landmarks, etc.)
- Famous people and their impact
- Festivals, food, and culture
- Demographics and population
- Relatively unknown facts
3. Life Cycles
All animals and plants have different life cycles in which the stages of their growth and development cause changes to the organism.
Have kids pick an animal or plant.
They will then create a posterboard illustrating that organism’s life cycle in addition to a report highlighting the different stages of life.
Specific research topics for kids in this area include…
- The life cycle of a human
- The life cycle of a roach
- The life cycle of a butterfly
- The life cycle of a frog
- The life cycle of a sea turtle
4. Human Body
The human body is an intricate organism devised of multiple systems which work together to help its function.
Ask your kids to choose a particular system of organs in the human body and report on the pieces of that system.
Then have them delve into what makes that system so important and what would happen if that system were to malfunction.
Specific research topics in this area include…
- Five senses and how they help us; How would we navigate life without one or more of them?
- Cardiovascular system
- Circulatory system
- Effects of diet and exercise on the body
- The connection between mental and physical health
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5. Earth’s Surface
The Earth’s surface is covered by land and ocean resting on top of moving tectonic plates.
For this research topic, kids may report on the differences between land and ocean plus how the formation of different structures is driven by the movement of the tectonic plates.
As an extension, they can report on how the distribution of land and ocean on Earth has changed over time.
Specific research topics for kids in this area include…
- Tectonic plates
- Earthquakes and tsunamis
- Layers of the earth
- Characteristics of the ocean
- Compare and contrast Earth’s surface to that of other planets
6. Holidays Around the World
There are so many cultures in the world, and each has a unique way of showcasing its customs and traditions.
Encourage students to explore celebrations and festivals that occur around the world.
They may want to choose one specific country to investigate, a particular religion, or one holiday and how its represented in different areas.
Specific research topics in this area include…
- Compare and contrast U.S holiday to how the same holiday is celebrated in another country
- Chinese New Year
- Origin of the word “holiday”
- What Christmas looks like around the world
- Mardi Gras and Carnival
7. Dinosaurs
There is so much mystery around dinosaurs.
The myths and theories continue to fascinate the curious mind. For this topic, students will research what scientists have uncovered.
Have kids choose a species of dinosaur to research and report on.
Ask them to describe where their species lived and what was their habitat.
What did they eat? Which animals may have eaten them? What did they look like, and how did they go extinct?
Specific research topics in this area include…
- Characteristics and types of dinosaurs
- Dinosaur fossil discoveries
- Comparison of dinosaurs to modern-day animals
- Dinosaur extinction theories
- The work of paleontologists
8. American History
For such a young country, America has a rich history.
Have your kids pick an event from American history to report on and describe why it is significant.
What would the country be like if this particular event had not occurred?
Note: If this topic seems too mature for your age group, consider making it a “The History Behind…” research topic where students research the origins of certain holidays or events such as The History Behind Earth Day, The History Behind Mardi Gras, etc.
Specific research topics in this area include…
- Civil War (causes, impact, results)
- Transportation advancements
- Leaders who made an impact
- Branches of government
- Music and culture through the decades
- Significant inventions
9. Animals
There are so many fascinating animals that live on Earth.
Prompt your kids to choose a species on which to report.
They will include details such as habitat characteristics, food preferences, and particular behaviors.
Ask them to explain what would happen to their chosen animal’s ecosystem if it were to go extinct.
They make also investigate how an animal’s physical characteristics help it to adapt and survive in certain habitats.
Specific research topics in this area include…
- Animal classification
- Adaptations to the environment
- Habitats
- Cool animal facts
- Extinct animals plus conservation efforts
10. Black History
While many kids are familiar with Martin Luther King, Jr., there are countless black figures who hardly get the recognition they deserve.
Encourage children to explore the talented black history makers who achieved excellence despite significant racial barriers.
Specific research topics in this area include…
- Henry “Box Car” Brown
- Mae Jemison
- Bessie Coleman
- Harriet Tubman
- Charles Drew
11. Insects
Bugs are the world’s most abundant creatures, and there are so many different kinds for kids to explore – from beetles to butterflies, spiders to bees, grasshoppers to praying mantids.
Have kids report on the bug’s life cycle, what they eat, and where they live.
Specific research topics for kids in this area include…
- Life cycles
- Adaptations
- Insects as delicacies around the world
- Characteristics/classification of insects
- Impact on the environment (negative and positive)
Final Thoughts On Fun Research Topics for Kids
You have now saved yourself the time of looking for good research topics for kids.
Once you share these ideas with kids, they will be so excited to get started!
While there are an endless number of topics to explore, this list of research topics for elementary students serves as a great starting point.
These interesting topics for kids will motivate even the most resistant learners to seek answers to some of the most intriguing questions.