105 Reading Report Card Comments You’ll Find Helpful

Drafting reading report card comments doesn’t have to be a frustrating experience.

While it does take time and energy to produce good reading comments, save yourself the stress by using the following report card comments for reading that express exactly what you need to say.

Here you will find 105 quality language arts, writing, and reading report card comments for students you can use as support while drafting comments.

Save time and frustration when writing remarks by using these helpful literacy report card comments.

105 Reading Report Card Comments You Can Easily Modify

Following you will find a variety of language arts and reading report card comment examples.

Reading Strategies, Skills, and Observations

1. _____ applies reading strategies to decode and understand the text.

2. When reading aloud, _____ reads with grade-level fluency, accuracy, and expression.

3. _____ effortlessly applies new reading skills and strategies.

4._____ reads with fluency but doesn’t comprehend the text very well.

5._____ decodes multi-syllabic words well.

6. _____ reads within a range of different genres.

7. _____ struggles with reading basic sight words.

8. _____ shows good stamina for reading.

9. _____ needs to do better at choosing books at his appropriate reading level.

10. _____ chooses books that are too difficult/simple for her.

11. _____ loves reading and devours a book every chance he gets!

12. _____ needs to develop a wider range of vocabulary.

13. _____ focuses on work and resists distraction during literacy centers.

14. _____ enjoys reading aloud.

15. _____ notices consistent themes within a book series or from a specific author.

16. _____ interprets very well figurative language.

17. _____ reads _____ words per minute.

18. _____ challenges herself by reading books that are one grade level above her level.

19. _____ regularly self-corrects mispronounced words when reading aloud.

20. _____ correctly uses the five-finger rule to choose “just right” books.

21. _____ reads with fluency and appropriate expression.

Reading Comprehension

22. _____ uses prior knowledge to comprehend text.

23. _____ asks questions that help him/her understand the text more deeply.

24. _____ makes deep text-to-text, text-to-self, or text-to-world connections.

25. _____ uses strong evidence from the text and/or prior knowledge to justify an author’s purpose for writing.

26. _____ uses a variety of context clue strategies to define new vocabulary in a text.

27. _____ demonstrates good progress in using a variety of reading comprehension skills and strategies to understand the text.

28. _____ can state the main idea of a selection with minimal prompting from the teacher.

29. _____ interprets and analyzes text features to better understand the text.

30. _____ reads on grade level.

31. According to the reading assessment Fountas & Pinnell, _____ is reading at a level ______, which is/is not on grade level.

32. _____’s reading level is significantly below grade level.

33. _____ able to answer basic recall comprehension questions but not higher-level comprehension questions.

34. Using sketching/drawing,… demonstrates that he/she is able to visualize the main ideas of a text.

35. _____uses context clues to make inferences about events, characters, and/or settings.

36. _____ summarizes nonfiction texts using the main idea and strong supporting details.

37. _____ makes logical predictions before, during, and after reading.

38. _____ effectively uses anchor charts to clarify understanding of a skill or strategy.

39. _____ summarizes fiction texts with main ideas from the beginning, middle, and end.


Use the following phrases to begin literacy report card comments on a positive note.

40. _____ is a joy to teach.

41. It is such a pleasure to teach _____.

42. What a great year it has been!

43. _____ has soared this school year in…

44. _____ has made wonderful progress this quarter/semester/year in…

45. _____ is a lovely student who I enjoy working with every day.

46. I am so proud of _____ work (progress) with…

47. _____ is hardworking, confident, and motivated to do her best.

48. _____ puts forth great effort in learning…

49. _____ seems to enjoy school and is a delight to teach.


50. _____, keep up the good work.

51. I wish _____ all the best in … grade.

52. It has been an honor to teach _____.

53. It has been a pleasure to work with _____.

54. I know that _____ will have continued success in the coming year!

55. _____ is an amazing student, and I’m glad to have been her teacher.

56. With his friendly and cooperative nature, _____will be a great addition to any class.

57. I enjoyed having ____ in the class.

58. _____ made good progress this school year, and I’m sure he will continue to improve.

59. With continued support, _____will continue to show mastery of…

Next Steps

60. Please make sure to check and sign his/her homework agenda daily.

61. _____ would benefit from exploring new reading genres this summer.

62. Have _____ read for at least 15 minutes each night.

63. Continue to reinforce the reading (writing) strategies at home.

64. Continue to read regularly every day.

65. The following online resources will be of assistance to your child: _____ (e.g. BrainPopjr., BrainPop, Hoopla, etc.)

66. I recommend that… read independently more often in order to build stamina.

67. I suggest that…practice Daily Oral Language activities in order to improve (insert a writing skill).

68. Have….practice reading short plays out loud in order to improve reading fluency.

69. Read books with your child in English or Spanish regularly. (applies to bilingual/dual language students).

70. Let’s schedule a conference/meeting soon in order to discuss how to help… succeed in meeting the learning objectives.

Writing Report Card Comments

71. _____ needs improvement in using punctuation marks.

72. _____ ideas flow smoothly from one thought to the next.

73. _____ substitutes stronger verbs and adjectives for “boring” ones.

74. _____ voice within a writing piece is unclear or confusing.

75. _____ writing pieces are well-organized with clear details.

76. _____ exhibits good use of grammar and mechanics.

77. _____ progressing very well in writing for various purposes.

78. _____ struggles to apply (name specific writing skill) during Writer’s Workshop.

79. _____ brainstorms a decent bank of ideas before drafting.

80. _____ able to point out individual writing strengths and weaknesses during conferencing time with the teacher.

81. _____ appropriately uses a writing checklist to review work.

82. _____ accepts and attempts to apply feedback provided by the teacher and/or peers.

83. _____ follows the writing process when completing a piece of major writing.

84. _____ revises work independently and with a peer.

85. _____ edits work independently and with a peer.

86. _____ reviews work thoroughly before submitting.

87. _____ begins writing a piece with a strong lead (beginning).

88. _____ ends the writing piece with a strong ending.

89. _____ needs reinforcement in using (insert any grammar rule).

90. _____ doesn’t have a good grasp of when to use capital letters.

91. _____ writing has a clear beginning, middle, and end.

92. _____’s paper lacks supporting details that help the reader visualize.

93. _____ includes lots of sentences that “show” and not only “tell.”

94. _____ transitions from one idea or paragraph to the next using a variety of transition words.

95. _____ does not use transition words appropriately.

96. A significant number of spelling and/or grammatical errors make reading the writing difficult.

97. _____ enjoys writing.

98. _____ puts much effort into creating a good piece of writing.

99. _____ uses pre-writing strategies to guide the writing process.

100. _____ takes risks by using new vocabulary words.

101. _____ purpose for writing and for what audience is clear.

102. _____ handwriting makes reading the writing piece difficult.

103. _____ understands that different writing genres serve different purposes.

104. _____ does a great job of using figurative language to make writing more interesting and colorful.

105. _____ has blossomed as a writer (author)!

106. _____ has a hard time writing (typing) at least one good paragraph or page.

Final Thoughts: Literacy Report Card Comments

Drafting report card comments for reading can feel like a chore, but these helpful literacy comments will make the process a little easier for you.