Drafting progress report comments for students can be draining. Even before starting, most teachers are already mentally tired at just the thought of getting them done.
Teacher comments for progress reports communicate how well students are progressing with academic goals.
- Is the student on the right track to reaching his academic goals?
- Which targeted learning objectives has the child reached so far or has struggled to meet?
- Does the student implement good study skill habits to help her progress faster?
- Is it necessary to make any adjustments to the student’s learning?
Comments for progress reports should answer these types of questions.
While doing progress report comments for students can’t be eliminated altogether, writing them can be done smarter.
I’m sharing my best progress report comment examples that you can use to write your own reports.
Modify them and adjust them based on the needs of each of your students. Doing so will save you time and frustration.
Progress Report Comments
Following you will find lots of good progress report comment examples for students.
General Progress Reports
- ______ is a delightful child who is a joy to teach.
- ______’s enthusiasm for learning is admirable.
- ______ is a happy child, and I am delighted to be her teacher.
- During the second quarter, _______has shown above-average progress in all subject areas.
- ______’s positive attitude about her learning, work, and school is contagious.
- ______ has been having a wonderful second semester.
- ______ is a very happy child, works well with others, and is very dedicated to her work.
- ______ has grown in so many ways academically; her progress is incredible!
- ______ is a sweet, kind, caring student who loves learning and school in general.
- ______ is a hard worker, and strives to do her best in everything she does.
- I am confident that _____will keep up the good progress this school year.
- ______ puts forth great effort in all of his work assignments.
- ______ always has a smile on her face, is enthusiastic about her work, and collaborates well with her peers.
- ______ is always smiling. Her enthusiasm for learning is contagious!
- ______continues to persist with her work in the classroom. Her work ethic is admirable.
- ______ is a kind child and very dedicated to her work.
- It is wonderful teaching ________ as she is a sponge that absorbs all knowledge that is bestowed upon her.
- ______ dedication to her work is commendable.
- ______ has a happy, energetic spirit.
- I love teaching _______ because she brings life to our classroom community.
- ______ works hard and always gives her best effort.
- ______ He has basic math skills and is able to apply those skills in various contexts.
- I recommend that ______continue to read for at least 15 minutes each night in addition to practicing higher-level multiplication word problems.
- ______ has a good mathematical foundation.
- ______’s knowledge of math basics is evident in how well she is able to apply those skills within various mathematical contexts.
- ______ tackles multiple-step word problems strategically without much prompting from the teacher.
- ______ needs improvement in showing his work during the math block.
- While ______ is able to arrive at the correct answer, the process that he uses in order to arrive at an answer to a word problem is also important to demonstrate.
- ______ is a very strong math student with a solid mathematical foundation.
- ______ has improved greatly in demonstrating understanding through the use of various strategies during guided math.
- My suggestion is that ______ use math sentence stems to help him express his mathematical thoughts.
- ______ is doing a much better job of showing her understanding of word problems by solving them in different, deeper ways.
- My one recommendation for math is that she revises her work before submitting it.
- ______ is able to apply math skills within various contexts.
- ______has a solid number sense foundation and is able to apply that knowledge in various contexts.
- ______ has done an exceptional job in math this first trimester.
- During guided math, ______does an excellent job of showing his understanding by using a variety of strategies.
- ______ challenges himself often by applying newly learned skills to daily word problems.
- ______’s precision in solving multiple-step problems has improved greatly.
- ______’s higher-order thinking skills are very good, and he has a good grasp of mathematical concepts.
- Though _______ demonstrates high reading fluency, she struggles with reading comprehension of nonfiction texts.
- I suggest that ______ answer reader response questions after reading a book in order to boost comprehension skills.
- In reading, the use of graphic organizers and anchor charts helps tremendously with______‘s reading comprehension.
- I encourage ______ to stay excited about reading.
- Though ________is currently reading at a “Frustrational” level in reading, her progress is steadily moving upward.
- _______ does a great job of implementing reading strategies across various genres.
- According to the Fountas & Pinnell reading assessment, _______is currently reading at an “Independent” level which means that he is progressing well.
- ______’s reading comprehension, accuracy, and fluency are excellent.
- According to our formal reading assessment, _______is reading above grade level.
- _______’s reading comprehension, accuracy, and fluency are excellent.
- I recommend that _______ keeps reading regularly at home, primarily with books at or a level above his reading level.
- According to our formal reading assessment, _______is reading below grade level.
- ______’s reading comprehension, accuracy, and fluency are progressing more slowly than grade-level expectations. I suggest she continue to read regularly at home for at least 15 minutes each night.
- According to our formal reading assessment, _______is reading on grade level.
- ______’s reading comprehension, accuracy, and fluency are good.
- I suggest that ______ continues to read regularly at home in order to build her reading stamina.
- Currently, _____is reading above grade level.
- While his reading comprehension is good, ______ needs reinforcement in accuracy and fluency. Short, 2-person readers theater scripts are great for this.
- As of this quarter, _______is reading a bit below grade level.
- According to the DRA reading assessment, ______is reading on grade level, yet she could use reinforcement in more subject-specific vocabulary.
- ______ is progressing well as a young author.
- Though ______’s writing skills are good, she needs to work on her cursive handwriting strokes a bit more.
- ______ answers writing prompts with structure and detail.
- ______ keeps improving as a writer and puts forth the effort in attempting to apply all newly-learned skills.
- ______ greatest strength is writing. He writes with fluent organization and does a phenomenal job of “showing and not telling” details.
- ______continues to grow as a writer.
- ______flourishes as a writer and does a wonderful job bringing her writing to life with vivid details.
- ______continues to blossom as a writer because she can develop her ideas more easily.
- ______ continues to grow as a young writer as she learns to develop her ideas and thoughts fully.
- During writer’s workshop,______showcases creative ideas and really connects with the reader.
- ______ growth as a writer is steadily improving each week.
- ______writing is getting better each week as he applies teacher feedback.
Work Habits/Behavior
- ______ is a hard worker who gives 100% effort in every assignment given.
- ______ loves to participate, and she is never afraid to share her knowledge with the class.
- ______ is so dedicated to her work and always gives her best effort. I am very proud to be her teacher!
- ______ is motivated, disciplined, and has great work and study habits.
- ______ has good work and study habits.
- ______ collaborates well with his peers, and asks for help when understanding breaks down.
- ______ likes to help others and works well within a group.
- I see ______’s continued growth weekly as he is improving in taking his time with assignments and revising his work.
- _______ works collaboratively with her peers.
- While ______ does love to talk with her friends, she understands the balance between work and play.
- ______ participates in class, is always prepared, and works well collaboratively.
- ______ consistently demonstrates a willingness to learn and actively engages in the topics discussed.
- ______ is a very serious student who has excellent work and study habits.
- ______ participates actively in morning meetings.
- ______ is a team player with solid work/study habits.
- ______ utilizes study skills to improve academic progress.
- ______ is consistently prepared for class.
- ______ is full of life and has a big personality.
- ______ takes constructive criticism well and is good at accepting consequences.
- ______ is very studious, mature, and works well with others.
- ______ gives 100% effort to all her work and persists even when the task seems too difficult.
Next Steps
- Let’s meet for a parent-teacher conference after school one day next week to discuss his or her progress plus possible solutions.
- I can provide study materials if needed.
- If we could meet after school sometime next week to discuss ways that we can help her, that would be a great start at helping her to improve in this area.
- Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
- In order to help _____ improve his writing skills, have him respond to writing prompts a few times per week. Offer feedback.
- I will encourage ______ to put more effort into his studies next quarter.
IEP Progress Report Comment Examples
- For the past two quarters, _______ has received learning support once a week from Ms. X. This extra support along with classroom accommodations has greatly helped her academic success.
- ______ will continue to receive small group and 1 on 1 reading support 2x per week.
- Let’s meet in the next week to discuss any changes needed to ______ accommodations.
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How Do You Write a Progress Report Comment?
The examples of progress reports found here offer a framework that you can follow.
However, keep in mind to include these essential elements…
1. Begin On a Positive Note.
Even if a student is struggling in your class and/or has a discipline concern, start your progress report comment with a student strength. Then flow into the area of concern.
At the end of the comment, mention again a pleasant attribute. Think of it like a sandwich. The bread slices represent the two positives. In between lies all the meat and veggies – the substance of your comment.
Turn negative comments into more positive ones by framing things in a more positive light.
For example, the statement, “[Student] interrupts others.” could be reframed as “[Student] is eager to share his ideas but has a hard time waiting his turn.”
2. Be Specific.
Progress reports serve the purpose of sharing with parents how well their child is progressing within the school year.
It is during these times that you want to be as detailed as possible with your concerns.
Doing so reduces, even eliminates, end-of-year surprises where parents state that it’s the first time they’re hearing about a particular problem.
Even smarter, keep proper documentation to support your progress reports.
3. Proofread.
It’s important to read any report card comment before you send it to parents, but progress report comments require an even more careful eye as they tend to be longer and more detailed.
Give due diligence to grammatical and spelling errors along with semantics.
For even better results, ask a trusted colleague or administrator to review your progress reports before delivery.
End Positively.
To end a progress report, state something positive.
Additionally, provide the next steps so that parents know what solutions they need to implement in order to address areas of needs improvement.
Final Thoughts: Teacher Comments For Progress Reports
Writing progress reports comment is a necessary part of a teacher’s life. Ease the burden using these report samples and examples of comments for progress reports.