To help third graders improve upon their convincing skills, try these engaging persuasive writing prompts for 3rd grade students.
Not only do these prompts improve writing skills, but they also empower students to express their beliefs, take a stance, and think critically.
That’s why these third grade persuasive writing prompts make a great addition to your collection of writing activities.
So include in your instruction this week a handful of these persuasive writing prompts for 3rd graders.
Related: persuasive writing graphic organizers
Persuasive Writing Prompts for 3rd Grade
1. Should the class have a classroom pet? Why or why not?
2. Convince your parents to allow you to stay up late one night during the school week.
3. Do you think every lesson should incorporate a brain break? Why or why not?
4. Should virtual learning be an option from now on? Explain.
5. Convince someone why your favorite holiday is the absolute best.
6. Should families grow and raise their own food?
7. Are there really any good reasons to give homework every day?
8. What are your thoughts about having no school on Fridays?
9. Should third graders be allowed to use cell phones during school time? Why or why not?
10. Persuade your sibling to play a board game with you.

11. Children should be able to go to bed at whatever time they want.
12. Persuade your mom/dad to let you open a gift one day before your birthday.
13. What do you think about not assigning homework to students with good grades? Is doing so unfair to those with poorer grades?
14. Persuade your teacher to give class rewards every week.
15. Convince the teacher to participate in an activity with the class during recess.
16. Persuade your parents to buy you a new backpack.
17. Should the school week be shortened to four days?
18. Responding to writing prompts for 3rd graders is helpful.
19. Should smoking be illegal?
20. Convince your parents to give you an allowance for doing chores around the house.
21. Should third graders be required to learn a second language? If so, which one? If not, why not?
22. What are the pros and cons of responding to persuasive writing prompts for 3rd grade?
23. Persuade your teacher to read your favorite read-aloud book during reader’s workshop.
24. Do you think the number of hours that children watch television should be limited? Why or why not?
25. What are the pros and cons of wearing school uniforms?
26. Convince your parents to take you to a particular place.
27. Write a letter convincing your parents why you should have a new bike.
28. Pizza is better than spaghetti.
29. Make a respectful argument suggesting a change of a school rule.
30. For state testing, should third graders be required to complete a writing portion? Why or why not?
31. What is your opinion about pets in restaurants?
32. Should all students be required to learn to type? Why or why not?
33. Cooking classes should be taught in school.
34. A stretching break should be included in every lesson over 30 minutes.
35. Convince the teacher to dismiss class a few minutes earlier.
36. Teacher assistant is the best classroom helper job.
37. Animals deserve respect just as much as humans.
38. Third graders should volunteer in the local community.
39. Action figures are better than barbie dolls.
40. Hamsters make better pets than turtles. Do you agree? Why or why not?
41. Which is best…a slice of pizza or chicken nuggets?
42. Cafeteria food should be free for all students.
43. Mermaids really do exist.
44. Students should be allowed to sit in the hallway while working.
45. Everyone should have a hobby.
46. Birthday parties should be allowed at school but only during lunchtime.
47. Study skills should be taught to all students.
48. Students should drink more water than fruit juice.
49. Borrowing books is better than buying books.
50. Vanilla ice cream tastes better than strawberry.
51. Third graders should be able to sit wherever they want during a school assembly.
Final Thoughts: Persuasive Writing Prompts for 3rd Grade
Now you have an assortment of third grade persuasive writing prompts and topics to use during writer’s workshop.