Especially for struggling students or those performing below grade level, it’s imperative to include next steps report card comments so that parents know actions to take moving forward.
The purpose of report card comments is to document students’ strengths and weaknesses.
Those weaknesses should ideally be paired with next steps report card comments so that improvement strategies can be implemented quickly.
Here you will find a helpful collection of action-based next steps report card comments that provide specific solutions to help students succeed.
No matter the grade or subject you teach, you’re sure to find good next steps report card comments to fit your needs.
Next Steps Report Card Comments
Following is a collection of next steps report card comments that can be used for all subjects.
1. Practicing more at home with (insert any skill or strategy) will help _____ greatly.
2. _____ needs to utilize a behavior chart daily or weekly.
3. Let’s continue weekly one-on-one or small group instruction support with a focus on (insert learning objective).
4. Please help ______ set up an agenda to organize assignments.
5. Let’s have parents sign the homework agenda daily.
6. _____ needs to read daily for at least 20 minutes.
7. Continue to reinforce these reading and/or writing strategies at home…
8. Have _____ read for at least 15 minutes each night.
9. The following online resources will be of assistance to your child: _____ (e.g. BrainPopjr., BrainPop, Hoopla, etc.)
10. Let’s schedule a meeting soon in order to discuss how to help _____ succeed in reaching the learning objectives.
11. I recommend that _____ read independently more often in order to build stamina.
12. _____ will be provided spoken instructions in addition to written ones in order to aid comprehension of concepts.
13. In order to prevent “summer slide”, I suggest that _____ regularly review (insert needs improvement for student).
14. _____ should be asked to restate information in order to check for understanding.
15. _____ will be strategically seated near ______ in order to maximize learning.
16. After-school tutoring X number of times per week will be beneficial for _____.
18. _____ struggles with (insert skill or strategy). We are working hard at school to improve this situation and appreciate your efforts in reinforcing these strategies at home.
19. Please continue to practice basic multiplication facts at least 3 times per week during the summer break.
20. _____ may use a calculator or spell checker to review work.

21. Read books with your child in English or Spanish regularly. (applies to bilingual/dual language students).
22. When appropriate, allow the use of a calculator to solve math facts.
23. In order to be prepared for the next grade level, _____ must work to improve…
24. I will incorporate a 5 to 10-second wait time before expecting an oral response from _____.
25. Let’s encourage ____ to use anchor charts to assist with learning.
26. To stay on top of _____’s progress, let’s schedule a follow-up meeting for…
27. _____ will be allowed to review an outline preview of the lesson.
28. Please continue to reinforce (insert any needed skill).
29. Let’s incorporate more brain breaks to keep _____ focused.
30. It would be helpful to review at home with ______ (insert needs improvement skill or strategy).
31. _____ would benefit from…
32. I will change _____’s seating arrangement to optimize learning.
33. Let’s try incorporating more positive reinforcement.
34. Let’s continue to encourage _____ to develop her artistic abilities.
35. _____ needs extended time to complete tests, projects, and assignments.
36. From now on, let’s chunk long-term assignments and projects.
37. _____ benefits from incorporating visual cues when transitioning between activities.
38. Let’s continue to remind _____ to come to class prepared and ready to work.
39. _____ could definitely use extra help with…
40. Next quarter, let’s try these accommodations and/or modifications for ______:
41. I suggest having _____ continue to study…
42. Let’s try chunking assignments and tasks into digestible pieces.
43. _____ needs more opportunities to…
44. Encourage ______ to continue reviewing at home (insert skill).
45. I will provide a textbook for at-home use.
46. _____ requires extended time to complete assignments.
47. Application of a few study skills will help _____ improve significantly.
48. _____ needs to practice answering more higher-level thinking comprehension questions.
49. Quarterly, help _____ set learning goals and provide feedback.
50. Let’s reinforce a growth mindset with daily positive affirmations.
51. Assist _____ in using a planner to organize assignments.
Final Thoughts: Next Steps Report Card Comments
Now you have a ready supply of next steps report card comments that save time and frustration.
Parents will appreciate the clear steps to follow in order to help their child succeed.