You’ve just landed upon a quality collection of music report card comments.
Though drafting music report cards can be a chore, speed up the process and reduce frustration by using quality music comments.
Within this post, you’ll find a variety of report card comments for music classes that you can use with all ages of students.
Whether you’re an elementary teacher or teach an older grade, you’re sure to find music comments here to help you communicate your thoughts clearly.
You might want to keep this collection of music report card comments handy so that they’re ready to use in a jiffy.
Music Report Card Comments
Use the following report card comments for music to discuss behavior, attitude, plus a variety of music-related skills.
- _____ actively participates in music class.
- _____ cooperates with peers and the music teacher.
- _____ transitions between musical activities without interrupting others.
- _____ frequently interrupts and/or disrupts others in music class.
- _____’s work ethic is exceptional.
- _____ does a good job of taking accountability for her actions.
- _____ respects instruments and other materials in music class.
- _____ requires frequent reminders to remain on task with the music teacher.
- _____ puts forth much effort when learning new songs or instruments.
- _____ is routinely prepared for music class.
- _____ has the potential to produce better work in music class but puts forth minimal effort.
- _____ persists through music activities with a positive attitude.
- _____ often struggles with keeping his hands to himself.
- _____ consistently demonstrates kindness towards classmates.
- _____ always follows classroom rules in music.
- _____ is accountable for her work in music class.
- _____ loves to take part in music activities and performances.
- It’s challenging for _____ to complete a music assignment if he isn’t supervised constantly.
- _____ is inquisitive about musical concepts.
- _____ has a difficult time working independently.
- _____ enjoys learning about new musical projects and activities.
- _____ consistently displays great conduct.
- _____ shows an appreciation of music from other cultures and music from a variety of genres.
- _____ demonstrates appropriate audience behavior during performances.
- _____ collaborates and cooperatives with peers.
- _____ demonstrates appropriate audience behavior during performances.
- _____ demonstrates proficiency in (insert any musical skill or strategy).
- _____ is still struggling with (insert any musical skill or strategy).
- _____ is currently meeting all music grade-level standards.
- _____ sings along to a recorded song.
- _____ claps on beat to a rhythm.
- _____ recognizes patterns in movement.
- _____ names musical notes.
- _____ uses basic music vocabulary in class discussions or in groups.
- _____ sings in tune.
- _____ demonstrates an understanding of basic harmony.
- _____ is able to name many types of instruments.
- _____ uses good form and technique when learning to play an instrument.

End of Year Music Comments
- It has been a joy to teach music to _____ this school year.
- …is a lovely student who I enjoyed working with every day.
- _____ had a great year in music class. She met all grade-level expectations. I am confident she will continue to soar musically next school year.
- …has soared this school year in music class.
- …made wonderful progress this year in music class.
- …enjoyed music class and was a delight to teach.
- Keep up the good work in music class next year!
- I wish…all the best with her future musical endeavors.
Next Steps for Music Students
- _____ needs to practice her instrument more frequently.
- Let’s meet next week to discuss how we can help _____ work more collaboratively in music class.
- In order for _____ to utilize new vocabulary, ask him a few times per week what he is learning in music class. Encourage him to use music terminology.
- I’ll work with _____ 2 times per week to help her complete unfinished musical projects and assignments.
- I’ve had to discuss with _____ several times the importance of not disturbing others in music class. I appreciate you reinforcing this at home also.
Final Thoughts: Report Card Comments for Music
Armed with these quality report card comments for music teachers, you’re all set to finish your music report card comments in less time without overwhelm.
If you found these music report card comments helpful, you might like music writing prompts.