As a teacher, you want to celebrate the accomplishments of students and recognize their positive attributes.
That’s where awards for students come in.
Using awards for students, teachers send a message of encouragement, pride, and appreciation.
The issue, however, is brainstorming enough ideas that include personality and academic awards for students.
This list of awards for students is the answer.
Whether it’s the end of the school year or a special occasion, you’re sure to find appropriate recognition for learners using this list of special awards for students.
Make them blush with these heart-warming and thoughtful titles.
List of Awards for Students
The following list of classroom awards for students works well with elementary, middle, and high school students.
- #1 Rated Caboose – This is the student who does a fabulous job of making sure lights are turned off and doors are closed upon leaving the classroom.
- 5-Stars Classroom Helper – Performs classroom helper job very well
- Accurate Historian – Loves to cite historical facts and accurately connects them to current events
- Active Participant
- Admirable Critical Thinking Skills
- Amazing Absentee Organizer – Organizes absent students’ work assignments
- Beautiful Singing Voice
- Blissful Bookworm
- Blooming Reader
- Caring Peterinarian – Cares for the class pet(s)
- Certificate of Completion
- ______ Champion – Replace the blank line with any subject. (e.g. Reading Champion, Math Champion, etc.)
- Cheerfully Adaptable
- Cleverly Creative
- Collaborates Harmoniously
- Collaborative Table Captain
- Colorful Imagination
- Consistent Effort
- Cooperative Teammate
- Courteous Cubby Captain – Assists classmates in keeping their cubbies organized
- Demonstrates Gratitude
- Dependable Distribution Specialist – When passing out papers, always makes sure everyone has been given an assignment
- Descriptive Writer
- Diligent Reviewer – Always reviews the assignment for careless mistakes before submitting
Related Content:
- Eager Listener
- Eloquent Speaker
- Enthusiastic Helper
- Entrepreneurial Spirit – Inventive and a risk-taker
- Excellence in … Insert any strong skill or character trait.
- Excellent Fire Drill Deputy
- Exceptionally Tidy
- Exemplary Work In… – Insert any strong skill or character trait.
- Exhibits Genuine Appreciation
- Extremely Neat
- Exudes Jovial Spirit
- Fantastic Friend
- Fierce School Spirit
- Fiercely Independent
- Fine Sportsmanship
- First-Rate Botanist – Does a top-notch job keeping the classroom plants watered, fed, and cared for
- Flourishes In… – Insert any strong skill or positive trait.
- Gifted Visionary – Has big ideas and details on how to achieve the end goal
- Goal Getter – Puts forth much effort in achieving his/her academic goals
- Grammar Guru
- Handsome Handwriting
- Happy Helper
- Highly Disciplined
- Imaginative Author
- Immaculate Workspace
- Impressive Organizational Skills
- Impressively Accountable – Accepts responsibility for his/her actions and work ethic
- Incredible Perseverance
- Inspiring Poet
- Legendary Line Leader – Confidently and effectively leads the class from one area of the school to another
- Linguistically Gifted – Grasps new languages quite easily
Related Content:
- Magical Artist – Good at drawing or sketching
- Marvelous Member of Aesthetic Crew – Part of the team of students who keep the classroom tidy
- Master Musician – Proficient in one or more instruments
- Math Whiz
- Model Conduct
- Note-Worthy Reading Skills
- Online Learning Super Star – Progressing well in a distance learning format
- Out-of-This-World Skills In… – Insert any strong academic skill or strategy.
- Outstanding Centers Manager – In charge of managing the supplies for literacy and math centers; keeps materials organized and in appropriate spaces
- Passionately Patriotic
- Patient Reading Buddy
- Peaceful Transitioner – When transitioning from one activity or classroom to the next, does so without distracting others or playing around
- Phenomenal Penmanship
- Politely Inquisitive
- Powerful Problem Solver
- Prolific Writer
- Quick Thinker
- Reading Rockstar
- Remarkable Achievement In… – Complete with a skill or strategy in which the student excels.
- Self-Starter
- Shows Pride in Work
- Significant Improvement In… – Insert an academic strategy or skill that the student has shown good progress in over a period of time.
- Skillful Speller
- Solid Work Ethic
- Spectacular Speaker
- Spelling Bee Champ
- Star Athlete
- Stellar Student Ambassador – Assists new students in learning about the workings of the school
- STEM Star – Especially interested in science, technology, engineering, and/or math project-based learning activities
- Strategic Problem Solver
- Strong Analytical Abilities
- Studious
- Super Bulletin Board Helper – Assists teacher or aide in decorating the grade-level bulletin boards
- Superb Class Librarian – Keeps the classroom library organized
Related Content:
- Takes Initiative
- Talented Writer
- Tenacious Spirit
- Tender-Hearted Classmate – Shows a caring and empathetic demeanor toward peers
- Terrific Team Player
- Thorough Researcher – Diligent in searching for all necessary information in order to complete research assignments to a high standard
- Thoughtful Birthday Director – Reminds teacher of classmates’ birthdays and leads class in singing Happy Birthday
- Tidy Desk
- Tireless Helper
- Top-Notch Backpack Monitor – Makes sure backpacks are organized and out of the way
- Tremendous Growth In… – Insert an academic strategy or skill that the learner has shown good progress in over a period of time.
- Voracious Reader
- Well Done!
- You Did It!
- Young Author Award
Wrapping Up: List of Awards for Students
Make learners feel extra special by recognizing their achievements using ideas from this valuable list of awards for students.
You’ll find a title to fit just about every personality type and academic accomplishment.