Hardest Elementary Grade to Teach? 9 Honest Teacher Opinions

When considering which age level is most ideal for you from a professional standpoint, you may wonder what is the hardest elementary grade to teach.

The hardest elementary grade to teach depends on one’s preferences, personality, and experiences.

So essentially, the hardest primary grade to teach is the one that has the most deal breakers for YOU. And that’s subjective.

Below you’ll find the opinions of a few teachers.

Use this information to guide you in making a sound decision about which elementary grade is “hardest” or “easiest” and therefore which you’d most like to teach.

What’s the Hardest Elementary Grade to Teach? 9 Teachers Share Their Opinions

Nine experienced elementary educators share their views. All have taught for at least 5 years and in at least two grade levels.

May this insight guide you in deciding which elementary grade is “hardest” or “easiest” to teach based on your unique makeup.


Pros: “I love teaching kindergarten. For many of them, it’s their first time in a formal school setting, so I’m shaping how they see ‘Big School’ for the very first time! I previously taught preschool, and I never thought I’d move to Kinder, but it’s been a blast.

Teaching colors and numbers is nice, but what I most enjoy is the imaginative play time and the teaching of basic skills that they’ll use for the rest of their lives.  And yes…they’re adorable and lovable! I like hugs.

When there are behavior issues, it’s mostly done in innocence. This is the perfect age to help mold their character.”

Heather Q.

Cons: “Oh gosh, kinder! I just can’t…I did it for a bit during my student teaching, and I realized then that it wasn’t for me. They’re so squirmy, touchy, and extremely needy. I can’t get down with all those germs, runny noses, and other uncontrollable bodily fluids. And the curriculum was just too basic for my tastes.

I honestly wasn’t that thrilled with teaching such simple concepts, though I know those skills are essential and lay the foundation for everything else to come. My preference is to analyze and discuss figurative language in a novel with a bunch of fifth graders, you know?… I definitely think kindergarten is the hardest elementary grade to teach!”

Jeannette G.

The Verdict: Which of these factors is a dealer breaker for you?

Do you have more pros or cons about teaching kindergarten?

If you list more cons than pros, kindergarten may be a hard elementary grade for you to teach.

First Grade

Pros: “First graders are more independent than kindergartners. They enjoy school and want to do a good job for the teacher.

They’re becoming more aware that their actions have consequences so it’s rewarding to see them trying to make good choices.

Another plus is that we have no state testing! That by itself makes me content to stay put in first grade.”

Cons: Tattling…and it’s mostly over nothing. And the responsibility of teaching these little ones how to read is all on you. The following school year, you don’t want the second-grade team judging your lackluster results.

Stacey H.

The Verdict: Which of these factors is a dealer breaker for you?

Do you have more pros or cons?

If you list more cons than pros, first grade may be a hard elementary grade for you to teach.

Second Grade

Pros: “Being a guy, I was definitely a little nervous about teaching at such a young age, but I’ve found them to be really awesome. Before this, I taught fifth grade, and they can have a major attitude.

Second graders are a welcome calm in that regard. And they really want to do their best for the teacher.”

Cons: “As far as cons, I’m kind of disappointed that some of them still occasionally wet themselves. What makes it frustrating is that they don’t ask to go to the bathroom in time.

I don’t quite get that yet. They do tattle a lot, so if anyone has any solutions for that problem, I’m all ears.”

Ryan A.

The Verdict: Which of these factors is a dealer breaker for you? Do you have more pros or cons?

If you list more pros than cons, teaching second grade may be easier for you. 

Third Grade

Pros: “I’ve taught third grade most of my teaching career, and I love it. They are sweethearts who respond positively to your support, and they love you so much.

Something starts to change when they enter fourth grade, so I soak in all of their affection and adorableness before they begin transforming into that upper elementary mood.”

Cons: “Third grade is the beginning of standardized testing…enough said.”

Khadijah R.

The Verdict: Think you have the heart to teach third grade?

Is standardized testing a deal breaker for you? 

State testing can be an absolutely stressful experience, but the pros can outweigh the cons depending on your perspective. 

So what about you?

Taking into consideration standardized testing, do you think third grade would be the hardest elementary grade for you to teach?

Fourth Grade

Pros: “The curriculum is my favorite thing about fourth. Two years ago, I taught high school English.  After returning from maternity leave, I had the option to take a fourth-grade English Language Arts position. I took it because the schedule was better for me as a new mom.

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine how much I would enjoy teaching at this level. During book clubs, we have deep discussions about the book. Their deep thoughts amaze me!

I’ve really found my calling at this age. Regarding discipline, I’ve had no major issues, but I’m coming from high school which is a different ball game. So I guess my tolerance level is higher since I’ve “battled” high schoolers.”

Ashleigh M.

Cons: “I’m not a fan of standardized testing~it gives me so much anxiety! We have three tests to cover: reading, writing, and math. The pressure of those exams is what makes fourth grade the hardest elementary grade to teach, in my opinion.

Some students enroll a few weeks before the test is administered, and that sends my stress levels through the roof because we are blamed if they don’t do well.

Also, I have fourth graders reading two years below grade level. It’s hard to catch them up with little support and limited resources.

Behavior is sometimes an issue like talking back. Cliques are common too (especially during lunch and recess), and trying to help students who feel excluded gets exhausting.”

Birdie J.

The Verdict: Which of these factors is a dealer breaker for you?

Do you personally have more pros or cons?

If you list more pros than cons, teaching fourth may be the elementary grade for you!

Fifth Grade

Pros:  “I always have people commenting that fifth grade must be the hardest elementary grade to teach because of hormones, attitudes, and the curriculum.

For me, the curriculum is intellectually stimulating. I can have interesting conversations and share deep thoughts about books with students. I like the idea of preparing them for middle school and watching them transition from elementary.

We departmentalize, so I also enjoy teaching three different groups of kids in a day…the students are very independent, and with the appropriate structure, they are amazing forces to be reckoned with.”

James P.

Cons: “Fifth graders sometimes arrive to school upset for no reason … pre-adolescent normal stuff I guess.

They can display a bit of a negative attitude at times, but if you speak with them, they can at least talk through their feelings.

As an upper elementary teacher, the pressure of standardized tests is sometimes intense plus there are lots of papers to grade. Fifth graders have to cover a lot of content, so I feel like the paperwork never ends.

Parents can be a little anxious because they are seeking guidance on how to help their child transition to middle school best. So I find myself supporting not just the child but their parents too.”

Claudette L.

The Verdict: Fifth grade~ what a special grade.

But do you see many of these factors as deal breakers?

Do you have more cons than pros?

If so, teaching fifth grade may be the hardest elementary grade for you to teach. Only you know what feels right for you.

Standardized Testing May Cause Grades 3 and Up to Be the Hardest Elementary Grades to Teach

Many educators argue that the hardest elementary grade to teach is one with standardized testing pressures.

If you plan to teach a testing grade, do consider carefully if you’re okay with the stress and workload that accompanies state testing.

Below are 2 articles that discuss the realities of standardized testing in elementary schools.

Stressed Out: The Psychological Effects of Tests on Primary School Children

Is the Use of Standardized Tests Improving Education in America?

So Which Is the Hardest Elementary Grade to Teach?

What’s considered “hard” to teach at the elementary level is subjective.

Only you know what’s a deal breaker for you, and that will depend mostly on your preferences, personality, and tolerance level.

Each elementary grade level has its unique challenges.

The key is to realize what is most challenging for YOU, not what others think should be considered “hard” for you.

Keep in mind, too, that some years will be great and others not-so-great.

You may get a “bad batch” of learners one year which could permanently alter how you perceive a specific grade level.

Whichever elementary grade you choose (or are assigned), you can make it “less hard” by seeking support from colleagues who have “been there and done that” successfully.

So, what’s the hardest elementary grade to teach in your opinion? It’s all about what YOU think!


If you liked this post about the hardest elementary grade to teach, see more interviewing tips for teachers.