If you’re seeking handwriting report card comments, you’ve landed in the right place.
It seems as though the task of teaching proper handwriting is rare these days.
A significant number of schools no longer explicitly teach handwriting skills so students are missing out on strengthening those fine motor skills.
If you’re one of the lucky teachers teaching in a school with a formal handwriting curriculum…fantastic!
What isn’t so great, however, is report card comment time. If not managed well, that time frame can consume much of your time and become quite stressful.
To save you time and headache, take note of these handwriting report card comments.
Handwriting Report Card Comments
- ______makes a conscious effort to write neatly.
- ______is progressing well in strengthening her fine motor skills.
- ______strong proficiency in fine motor skills contributes to his flawless handwriting.
- ______has a great habit of using the handwriting formations anchor chart to assist with cursive letter formation.
- ______always exhibits much pride in his handwriting; it’s consistently neat.
- ______made an easy transition from print to cursive writing.
- ______has beautiful penmanship.
- When he focuses and takes his time, ______’s handwriting is very nice.
- _______consistently prints within the appropriate lines.
- With print and cursive handwriting standards, _______meets grade-level expectations.
- _______showcases grade-appropriate penmanship on all submitted work.
- _______handwriting is always clean and neat.
- Each week, ______is increasingly finding her own cursive writing style and rhythm.
- ______’s handwriting has improved tremendously since the beginning of the school year.
- I have observed a noticeable difference in ______handwriting strokes.
- ______ always submits neat work.
- Frequently, ______’s handwriting is illegible.
- ______ consistently applies teacher feedback to improve handwriting.
- ______ often rushes through her assignments, causing her to write letters with minimal attention given to proper form.
- _______handwriting makes reading her writing quite difficult.
- I recommend that _______practice her cursive handwriting strokes for at least 15 minutes each night.
- Even after repeated scaffold instruction and redirection, ______refuses to make the effort to write legibly.
- ______shows some difficulty gripping his pencil appropriately.
- Very often, _______struggles to write within the lines.
- Excessive erasure marks cause ______ handwriting to be smudgy and hard to read.
- Poor fine motor skills impede writing performance for ______.
- ______is in competition with classmates to finish assignments resulting in messy and illegible handwriting.
- It is often difficult to read ______’s handwriting. I recommend that he continues to practice handwriting strokes nightly.
- _______needs reinforcement in proper cursive writing strokes.
- Since last semester, _____has had difficulty forming the cursive letters of …
- _______erases too often, even when it’s not necessary. This makes her writing messy.
- _______has unsatisfactory fine motor skills.
- Though ______’s print is good, she could use more practice with cursive formations.
- _____ seldomly forms legible letters.
- Due to consistently making handwriting that is illegible, ______ grade in (insert subject) is dropping quickly because the work can’t be assessed accurately.
- _______writes with too much space between letters.
- During peer editing, others have a hard time reading ______’s handwriting, causing her to receive minimal value from the experience.
- No matter the subject area, _____ writes neatly.
- _____ does not seem to take much pride in his handwriting. Even after feedback, he refuses to apply effort.
- _____ always turns in neat work.
- _____’s handwriting needs to be improved. I suggest he practice regularly.
- _____ writes in print and cursive equally well.
Tips for Drafting Report Card Comments for Handwriting
1. Proofread your report card comments.
Before delivering your report card comments on handwriting to parents, review them once or twice to be sure your grammar and tone are professional.
Another great option is to have a colleague revise and edit them, too.
2. Start and end comments on a positive note.
Even if the student has atrocious handwriting and doesn’t make much effort to do any better, it is a must to find the strength of that student.
- Does he/she work well with peers?
- Has there been a noticeable improvement in his/her work compared to the beginning of the school year?
Writing in a positive tone encourages progress and doesn’t contribute to putting parents in defense mode.
3. Provide the next steps.
Especially for those penmanship report card comments that contain less-than-great progress messages, give the next steps so that parents know exactly what they can do in order to help their child improve.
Also mention what you’re doing during class time to help the child. If parents are open, consider sharing with them online handwriting resources.
Final Thoughts
This collection of handwriting report card comments saves you time and headaches.
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