Finally, it’s the end of the quarter! Yes, you made it!
But all the work is not yet done. This is the perfect time to discover what students “took away” from the quarter.
Explore their thoughts by using end-of-quarter reflection questions for students.
Using these powerful questions, you’ll be able to receive helpful feedback that will enable you to make good planning decisions for the next quarter.
What’s more, these end-of-quarter reflection questions are beneficial to students because they encourage critical thinking and analyzing of thoughts.
They’ll have an opportunity to ponder everything they have learned this quarter (academically, behaviorally, and socially) while brainstorming how best to make the most out of the next one.
Students will reflect on their inner and academic growth plus gain clarity about what didn’t quite go well.
After utilizing end-of-quarter reflection questions for students, they will be better equipped to create more ambitious SMART goals that propel them to greater heights.
No matter the grade you teach, you can include a few of these meaningful questions in your lessons this week.
End-of-Quarter Reflection Questions For Students
Whether you want to encourage students to reflect upon their quarter through journaling or by writing an end-of-quarter reflection essay, the following end-of-quarter reflection question examples will serve you well.
- What was my favorite part of this quarter?
- How much of what I learned this quarter was new or a review for me?
- Which class rewards motivated me to do my best work this quarter?
- If I could repeat one activity from this quarter, what would it be and why?
- Did I accomplish all of my SMART goals? Why or why not?
- In what areas did I improve this quarter?
- What do I wish I had learned about this quarter?
- What five adjectives would I use to describe this quarter?
- How did I most enjoy spending my time?
- What was a surprising moment?
- How would I summarize this quarter?
- What are my biggest accomplishments?
- Which areas did I excel in this quarter?
- What is the best teacher feedback I received?
- How is this quarter similar or different from another? How?
- How would I summarize my favorite science experiment from this quarter?
- What was my favorite activity this quarter?
- Which school event was most memorable from this quarter?
- How is reading important to learning?
- What was my favorite moment from this quarter?
- What was the most surprising event of the quarter?
- What is the most important lesson I learned this quarter?
- In which subject area have I improved the most?
- Are there any new skills I learned this quarter? Which?
- How would I describe the best field trip that I experienced?
- What’s the least important thing I learned this quarter?
- How would I summarize a good book I read this quarter?
Self-Reflection End-of-Quarter Questions For Students
- What has been revealed about my learning style this quarter?
- What did I learn about myself this quarter?
- If I had the same knowledge on the first day of school that I have now, what would I tell myself?
- When did I feel most proud of myself?
- In what way was this quarter a challenge?
- This quarter, what areas did I GLOW (do well), and which do I need to GROW (improve)?
- If I had to only use one word, how would I describe this quarter? Why?
- What concepts did I master? How did I do it?
- On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being the worst), how would I rate this quarter and why?
- How would I describe my growth mindset this quarter?
- What is one regret I have about this quarter?
- What goals do I plan to achieve next quarter?
- How have I changed as it relates to academics and behavior?
- If I could go back in time, what would I have done differently this quarter?
- What life lesson did I learn?
- How would I describe my least favorite part of this quarter?
- What did I discover about myself?
- What is the best feedback I received my a classmate?
- How does responding to end-of-quarter reflection questions for students improve learning?
- Six months from now, what would I have liked to accomplish?
- Which of my skill served me well this quarter?
- How am I better at resolving conflict among peers?
- What did I struggle with at the beginning of the school year that I do well now?
- In which elective classes did I excel?
- How did I do with performing my classroom job this semester?
- What strategies did I implement in order to reach my SMART goals?
- Which things incentivized me the most?
- Do I feel that homework helped me?
Final Thoughts On Quarterly Reflection Questions
Having students reflect on their learning is a meaningful experience, and these questions will help you do just that.
Utilizing end-of-quarter reflection questions for students, you’ll be able to discover how well students are learning academically, socially,
Download end-of-quarter reflection questions for students in PDF form.