Instead of or in addition to assigning your second graders a reading test to assess how well they understood a book, you’ve decided to assign a book report.
To jumpstart the process, I’ve compiled the best book report ideas for second grade students.
Not only are these book projects for second graders fun and creative, but they help students analyze information so that they have a deeper understanding of what they read.
What’s more, these book report ideas for second grade serve all reading abilities, from struggling learners to gifted students.
So take a look at these fun and creative book project ideas, and consider assigning one (or more) of them to your second graders.
Book Report Ideas For Second Grade
Do a Cereal Box Book Report.
For this second-grade book report idea, students will use a cereal box to create a 3-D book report.
Each face of the cereal box will present certain information about the book. As an example…
- Front of the Box = title of the book along with author’s name plus a picture that represents the main idea of the story.
- Right Side of the Box = story elements (characters, setting, problem, and solution)
- Left Side of the Box = summary of the book
- Back of the Box = book recommendation or book review
- Top of the Box = new vocabulary words learned
These are just suggestions; there are many ways to approach this creative book report idea.
As the teacher, you ultimately decide what information you want students to write on each side of the box.
Other information you may consider includes facts/opinions, text features, and figurative language.
Assemble a Story Board.
Students will create a storyboard using a tri-fold project board.
The board will be accompanied by a written project along with various images and written information that tells the main ideas of the story.
See Dinosaurs Before Dark (Mary Pope Osborne) Board storyboard example.
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Create a Story Cube.
Another creative book report idea for second graders is to have them use a tissue box or some other type of rectangular/square prism to create a story cube.
Similar to the cereal box project idea, each face of the story cube will show certain information from the story such as facts/opinions, characters, problem, solution, connections, predictions, new vocabulary, summary, etc.
Afterward, students can present their story cubes in front of the class.
This is one of many book report ideas for second grade that makes for an eye-catching library or hallway display.
Make a Top 10 Facts Sheet.
This book project idea works especially well for nonfiction books.
After reading a book, students will brainstorm the Top 10 facts presented in their books.
These facts should ideally be information that is not as well-known.
To take things to another level, you could have students draft a series of Top 10 facts: facts about each subject or idea presented in the book.
Complete a 3-D Graphic Organizer.
Turn a plain graphic organizer into a 3-D experience using Foldables.
First, choose a literacy objective that you would like to target such as the main idea, sequencing, or character traits, and then assign a Foldables activity that will address that particular skill.
Students will then create and complete a Foldable project based on their specific book.
Inspire your second graders to produce something special by sharing with them these Foldable examples.
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Design a Character Puppet.
If you seek fun book report ideas for second graders, this one will serve you well.
Give to students a small brown paper bag, and guide them in making a character puppet based on a favorite character from their respective book.
They will write a short script to accompany their puppets. The script should be based on a scene from the book and/or something significant that the character said.
Afterward, students will present their character puppets to the class.
Retell the Story.
If you seek easy, yet powerful, book report ideas for second graders, this project is a good fit.
Using the 5Ws + H (who, what, when, where, why, how), or SWBST (Somebody Wanted But So Then), students will retell the book in their own words.
They may record their information in a reader’s notebook, or you may provide them with a template.
Additionally, request that your second grades sketch a picture to accompany their retelling.
Link a Story Chain.
This is a fun and creative idea that helps students to understand the sequence of events. It consists of two parts: creating the actual chain and then presenting it to the class.
To get started, provide students with an 8.5 x 11-inch sheet of white paper that is divided into 10 strips.
Grab a sentence strips sequencing template here.
Before cutting and separating the strips, students will write a significant event from their book on each strip. That means that they should have a total of 10 different events written on the strips.
After recording the events, students will cut apart the strips, sequence them, and then loop them together in sequential order.
For the second part of the project, students will present to classmates the sequence of events as it relates to their chains.
They should explain how one event caused another.
Final Thoughts On Book Report Ideas For Second Graders
While there is definitely a place for traditional reading assessments in the classroom, why not mix things up a bit by incorporating book reports?
This list of book report ideas for second grade helps you to jump-start that process.
You no longer need to spend your precious time searching all over for the best creative book project ideas.
Everything you need is right here.
These second-grade book report ideas are sure to engage and motivate students to produce something great.