If you’re looking for affirmations to help students get good grades, you’ve landed in the right place.
While the importance of good grades is up for debate, the fact stands that students are often judged by society, peers, teachers, parents, etc. based on the grades they earn.
Students with better grades are perceived to be more focused, goal-oriented, disciplined, and responsible.
So if you’re a student or teacher who wants to know how to manifest good grades, try these 101 affirmations for good grades.
Why use affirmations for manifesting good grades?
Affirmations encourage positive self-talk and a growth mindset. Recited daily, they have the power to change one’s outlook in a positive way.
See the science that supports the benefits of using positive affirmations.
So getting good grades is possible by adopting an optimistic mindset and really believing that one has the power to determine destiny.
Whether you seek the best affirmations for exam success, studying, or for school in general, these affirmations for good grades can help.
Students of all ages, even elementary, middle, and high school students, can benefit from these law of attraction affirmations for students.
Affirmations for Good Grades
Along with hard work and consistency, the following statements help students to manifest good grades.
1. I am capable of getting good grades.
2. I will recite affirmations for good grades daily so that I stay motivated.
3. I have all the necessary supplies before arriving to class.
4. On the upcoming state tests, I will receive great scores.
5. I don’t allow distractions to get me off track.
6. I stay organized so that I can find what I need easily.
7. I submit assignments on time.
8. Good grades will lead to rewards, awards, and deserved recognition.
9. I embrace new strategies that help me to solve problems more efficiently.
10. I’m a smart cookie.
11. I am proactive when it comes to my education.
12. Before submitting assignments and homework, I review for errors.
13. I pay attention to details when doing my work.
14. I check my homework agenda every day when I arrive home from school.
15. Learning study skills help me to work smarter.
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16. Staying organized is a key ingredient to my success.
17. I welcome constructive criticism and positive feedback.
18. I know how to approach problems from different angles.
19. I make a habit of reading for at least 20 minutes daily.
20. Good habits create academic success.
21. I am disciplined enough to complete my work independently.
22. I am not afraid to ask for help.
23. I stay persistent in reaching my goals.
24. When I feel stuck, I seek help from my teacher.
25. I know how to think critically and evaluate possible solutions.
26. I actively participate in class discussions.
27. I review my notes before an assessment.
28. My strong reading stamina contributes to my academic success.
29. I make time to study.
30. I am diligent in completing my assignments.
31. I give my best effort when completing an exam or class assignment.
32. When the learning confuses me, I raise my hand to ask for clarification.
33. I am determined to get good grades.
34. I pay attention when the teacher is giving instructions.
35. I am confident in my skills and abilities.

36. If needed, I move closer to the board.
37. I use inferring and critical thinking skills when solving math word problems.
38. I am a devoted student.
39. I reference anchor charts when I need support.
40. When absent from school, I talk with the teacher about missed work.
41. I can recall important ideas after reading a text or watching a video.
42. I take good notes when watching a video.
43. I am open and excited to learn new things.
44. After reading a section or chapter of a book, I mentally or verbally summarize what I just read.
45. I make connections between prior learning and new information.
46. I use shorthand notes to write more quickly during instruction.
47. I study in a way that is productive for me.
48. My mind is sharp and alert.
49. I respond honestly to exit tickets so that my teacher knows how to help me better.
50. I strive for excellence.
51. As I build my discipline and knowledge, getting good grades becomes easier.
52. I don’t make excuses.
53. I remove distractions from my workspace or desk.
54. “Failure” leads to a new learning opportunity.
55. I work well independently and in group settings.
56. I review my report card comments so I know which areas I need to improve.
57. When a task is difficult, I push forward without complaining.
58. I absorb as much knowledge as possible.
59. I am a strategic problem-solver.
60. My academic achievements are a priority to me.
61. I arrive to class on time.
62. I utilize a word wall to help me with spelling and vocabulary.
63. If I don’t succeed at first, I dust myself off and keep trying.
64. I participate in study groups as needed.
65. I use memory tricks, like mnemonics, to help me remember difficult information.
66. Being a good listener in class helps me to retain information.
67. I don’t wait the night before to start studying for a test.
68. I am not afraid to ask the teacher for help.
69. If a part confuses me while reading independently, I reread and apply strategies to help me get unstuck.
70. I review teacher feedback so that I do better next time.
71. I have good study habits.
72. A study schedule helps me to stay focused.
73. I listen to the advice given by my tutor.
74. I never give up.
75. Homework helps to reinforce skills.
76. I am dedicated to my studies.
77. Instead of cramming, I study a little bit every day.
78. When the teacher returns graded assignments, I review errors carefully in order to learn what not to do next time.
79. I welcome teacher feedback.
80. I take breaks in between studying.
81. My brain is a sponge that absorbs all good information.
82. I take part in brain breaks so that my mind stays focused and energized.
83. I ask questions.
84. When done with class assignments, I grab an early finisher activity in order to keep learning.
85. I do better on assessments when I am fully prepared.
86. I stay motivated by thinking about how great I will feel once I reach my goals.
87. My hard work will pay off.
88. I am capable of making a passing grade on every assignment.
89. I welcome projects and extension activities.
90. A planner or calendar helps me to remember due dates and deadlines.
91. I am resourceful because I know how to find solutions.
92. I aim to do my very best work each time.
93. The secret to success is discipline and a strategic action plan.
94. I am open to challenges so that my mind stays sharp.
95. I study strategically.
96. Mistakes are really learning opportunities.
97. I stay calm and focused when taking assessments.
98. I eat healthy foods to nourish my mind.
99. Learning can be fun.
100. I chunk projects and assignments so that I don’t get overwhelmed.
101. I turn in my homework every day.
Final Thoughts On Affirmations for Manifesting Good Grades
Affirmations eliminate negative self-talk and instead foster a growth mindset that instills the belief that students can achieve any goal they set if they put in the work.
Utilizing these affirmations for good grades, students will be on their way to excelling.