Can you believe we’re already upon 100 days of school? Celebrate this milestone using these fun 100th Day of School writing prompts.
The 100th day of school is a great time for self-reflection and goal setting.
You may want to encourage students to ponder what they’ve learned so far this school year and which goals they need to continue working towards.
The 100th day is also a great time to expand students thinking in regards to the number 100.
Within this post, you will find 100th Day of School writing prompts that offer students the opportunity to self-reflect plus explore various contexts related to the number 100.
What’s more, these 100th Day of School writing prompts are fun and make a great addition to your 100th Day of School activities.
So pencil a few of these fun 100th day prompts into your 100th-day celebration schedule.
100th Day of School Writing Prompts
Encourage students to celebrate the day using fun 100th day of school writing prompts.
1. Describe how you might look at 100 years old.
2. Design a bumper sticker for the 100th Day of School.
3. Share, step-by-step, a 100th Day of School arts and crafts project that your classmates may enjoy completing.
4. Compare and contrast the 100th Day of School to the first day of school.
5. One hundred rats have escaped from the school’s science lab. Describe the day’s adventures and mention how the problem was solved.
6. In 100 words or less, describe one of your parents.
7. Explain the pros and cons of living to be 100 years old.
8. Write a letter convincing your friends to attend a 100th Day of School celebration at your house.
9. Make a list of your favorite 100 things or activities.
10. Think about a fun adventure you did last summer. Compare doing the same activity as a 100 year old person.
11. A magic genie will grant you 100 wishes. Write a paragraph telling the top 5 wishes that you want the genie to grant first.
12. Compare and contrast the life of a 100-year old to the life of a 100 month old.
13. For 100 minutes, you’re taken to outer space. Write a story about your adventures.
14. Research how to say or write 100 in 5 different languages.
15. Write a story about a centenarian.
16. C.E.N.T.E.N.A.R.I.A.N – Write an acrostic poem using all of the letters of the word.
17. Brainstorm a list of 100 ideas, items, and/or activities that make you happy.
18. Choose one item or idea, and make a list of 100 types of that particular thing.
19. Give 100 examples of kindness.
20. Describe what life was like 100 years ago.

21. Think of all the words you can make using the letters in the phrase ONE HUNDRED DAYS.
22. For 100 days, you can live anywhere in the world. Where would you live and why?
23. Write about all the different ways 100 can be represented.
24. Make a list of activities someone can complete in 100 seconds or less.
25. Describe the perfect 100th Day of School celebration.
25. Create two grade-appropriate math word problems where the answer is 100.
26. Compare and contrast the type of clothes you wear now versus the wardrobe you might use as a 100 year old person.
27. Brainstorm a list of actions a person can complete in 100 minutes or less.
28. How does responding to 100th Day of School writing prompts improve writing skills?
29. Describe what the world will be like 100 years from now.
30. What are the characteristics of a 100-year old person?
31. Would you like to live to be 100? Why or why not?
32. Compose a poem about the 100th Day of School.
33. In 100 years, how do you think technology will have evolved?
34. Share what you imagine your life will be like 100 months from now.
35. State the benefits of reading for 100 minutes every day.
36. Describe the 100th Day of School to someone who has never experienced it.
37. Your new restaurant, 100, has just opened. Everything in it is related to the number 100. Describe your new restaurant.
38. Discuss the dangers of driving 100 miles per hour.
39. Devise a strategy for making sure a 100-year old family recipe keeps getting passed down to future generations.
40. Convince your 100-year old grandparent to register for a social media account.
41. What items would you put in a time capsule to be opened in 100 years? Why do you choose these items?
42. Describe what a 100-year old building looks, feels, and smells like.
43. Devise a strategy for winning first place in a 100th Day of School door-decorating contest.
44. Describe some fun and safe activities families can do outside in 100 degree weather in order to stay cool.
45. In 100 words or less, tell what makes you unique.
46. Write a story about a town with a population of 100.
47. Challenge yourself to write 100 positive affirmations.
48. Write an article for the school newspaper urging citizens to donate $100 to their favorite local charity.
49. Compose a haiku about the 100th Day of School.
50. Write a letter persuading a friend or sibling to play with you for 100 minutes.

51. Here’s how I have changed since the beginning of the school year…
52. Describe some ways students can earn $100.
53. Summarize a book you read that was 100+ pages.
54. Draft a how-to guide that explains how to live to be 100 years old.
55. In your opinion, why is the number 100 special?
56. Create a greeting card that celebrates 100 days of school.
57. Write a story about a sea turtle that has just turned 100 years old.
58. Explore all the ways to show 100.
59. You have been accidently locked inside of your favorite toy store for 100 minutes. Describe your time there.
60. Explain to a friend how to play the game Heads and Tails, flipping the coin 100 times.
61. Write a letter convincing your teacher to give the class 100 extra minutes of recess.
62. If I could have 100 of any item, I would choose _____ because…
63. Describe the perfect 100th Day of School activity or lesson.
64. Here’s what I have learned so far this school year…
65. Would you rather have $100 or 100 friends? Why?
66. While responding to 100th Day of School writing prompts, one hundred hungry ants come marching into the classroom. Write what happens next.
67. Describe a summer day when it’s 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
68. Share how to build something out of 100 toothpicks, marshmallows, or Legos.
69. What questions would you ask a 100-year old and why?
70. On a scale of 1 to 100, how would you rate your motivation to learn? What actions will get you closer to 100?
71. Make up a game that involves the number 100.
72. Explain how to make 100% on a test.
73. Make a circle graph that shows the percentage of boys and girls in the class. Be sure the total is 100%.
74. Share about a time when you gave 100% effort to a task.
75. Describe the most amazing 100th day of school.
76. What are the pros and cons of shortening the school year to 100 days?
77. It’s awesome to be 100 months (roughly 8 years old) because…
78. If I had $100, I would spend it on… because…
79. I imagine that the most difficult aspect of being 100 years old might be…
80. These are the 100 things that I am thankful for…
81. Summarize the reasoning behind the 100th Day of School.
82. One hundred days ago, I could not _______, but now I…
83. The best thing about being 100 years old is …
84. In 100 months, I hope to be…
85. Write a definition for the following measurements: 100 inches, 100 feet, 100 meters, 100 yards, and 100 miles.
86. Share a delicious 100th Day of School recipe.
87. For 100 days, you get to travel around the world. Which countries will you visit and why?
88. To celebrate the 100th Day of School, your teacher is taking the class on a field trip. Convince her to choose your preferred destination.
89. Since the first day of school, I am 100 days brighter because…
90. Write a diary entry from the perspective of a 100-year old.
91. Create a travel guide of places within a 100-mile radius of your city.
92. Sketch and label a whole-body picture of what you imagine you will look like at 100 years old.
93. In the next 100 days, I would like to accomplish …
94. Write a letter to your teacher persuading her to do a particular 100th day activity.
95. When I’m 100, my life will be like…
96. Imagine you’re an actor, and your new movie is called “100”. Summarize the movie’s main events.
97. Describe what you might see if you were 100 meters deep in the ocean.
98. Write a story from the perspective of a 100-year old tree.
99. What are the benefits of doing something for 100 days in a row?
100. Describe how someone would feel and behave who has a 100 degree temperature.
101. Create three fantastic 100th day of school writing prompts.
Final Thoughts: 100th Day of School Writing Prompts
Now you have a collection of fun writing activities to use as 100th Day of School writing prompts.
If you liked these 100th Day of School writing prompts, you might be interested in…100th Day of School books.